
Why can't you recycle plastic bottle tops?

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I've searched for a reason but can't find one.The tops are marked as recyclable with the logo the council says are OK but they won't take them! Why?




  1. Thats really interesting about the plastic bottle tops, I had no idea that charities can raise money from them, I re-cycle bottles, but always have to put the bottle tops in the bin, so now I shall start to save them and send them to one of the mentioned charities.  thanks again,

  2. they like the tops to be taken off to enable them to be crushed more easily so they occupy less space. however if u feel that u want to recylce ur tops too you could take then to a charity that is collecting them, this will enable them to collect hunderds and thousands of them so that they can swap tehm for cash for the charity.

    heres a few charties that i have found that collect them:

    The Rose Road Association, a charity which provides services for young people with disabilities in the Hampshire area has been accepting them but will not be accepting milk bottle tops after 30th September 2007. However the company that recycles them are happy to receive them on Rose Road's behalf, however they must be sent directly to the recyclers at Associated Polymer Resources (APR), Wrens Farm, Castle Lane, North Badesley, Southampton, SO52 9LY. They must not be sent to Rose Road's offices.

    Gift of Sight is another Southampton charity collecting plastic milk bottle tops with APR. Like Rose Road they have a collecting bin at ARP's depot at Wren's Farm, but also have a bottle top bin at Southampton General Hospital outside the entrance to Eye Casualty. See for more details

    If you wish to collect them for recycling there is a company that recycles them, G.H. Services – Recycling who are in Portsmouth. They have a minimum quantity which they will accept for payment, however they have told us that they are happy to accept small amounts of milk bottle tops on behalf of charities, which we will keep on file and they will inform groups every 2 months how their total is mounting up and send them a newsletter. To find out more visit

    I hope this helps!

    Adrieanne x

  3. That's odd that they won't take them. If you can't find a place to recycle them, you could give them to a charity. There are lots of charities that collect bottle tops. I know that Gift of Sight does.

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