
Why can't you wear contacts when your sleeping?

by  |  earlier

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-what happens if u do?




  1. the contacts cannot move anywhere, they wont go into your brain... they just get dry faster and you have to replace them more often. they actually make contacts that you can wear for 30 days straight night and day

  2. Well, I don't have glasses or anything so idk, but I know people that have accidently done it before, and it irritates your eyes REALLY BAD!

  3. they can get stuck to your eye. once when i was staying up really late and had my contacts in for well over 16 hours, i felt like i couldnt take them out and my eyes got red and irritated.

  4. because it can givee u a eye infection

  5. becuase it can migrate somewehre someone i met said she had contacts and it migrated into his brain

  6. your eyes dry from not blinking and it could get stuck.

    if you do fall asleep put eye drops in before opening them.  then more drops when open.

  7. Your eyes will get barley any oxegen and will become irritated. They will also severley damage your eyes after several nights of sleeping in them.

  8. ok, they don't "migrate in your brain"

    i have contacts, and my eye doctor said when you have your eyes closed for a long period of time, they can grow mold in your eyes, thay can stay stuck in your eyes, or they can possibly start to seperate into little pieces.  but if it just for 1 night, i wouldn't worry about it!

  9. irritation

    but they have contacts called night and day or something and they are made so u can sleep in them

    you can only wear them for ONE month an you HAVE to take em out or u will get infections

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