
Why can'tall retailers run the credit cards like mcdonald's?

by  |  earlier

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you don't have to sign anything. it's awesome. I'm tired of signing and entering pin numbers- but it's still betterthan cash.

so going to mcd's is really fast with a credit card in case you didn't know




  1. Are you so lazy that the simple task of sliding you card and signing/entering your PIN number is that exhausting? Maybe if you tire that easily you should stop the McDonald's trips....

  2. It requires investment in infrastructure, and transaction charges, to use a card.  Not all retailers choose to incur these costs.

  3. Re: fast food places like McD; CVS, Starbucks.  These are examples of places that will run your card and not require signatures under a certain dollar amount (Example not over 25.00).  These companies are looking at Profit/Loss, speed and efficiency.  (It's a percentage game of "Profit and Loss".  In the event a card is used fraudulently, it's not a huge loss for these multi-chain operations).

    Many retailers have a store policies set in place, requiring signatures on credit cards & credit card uses involving  purchases..  Part of the reason is fraud; theft; loss prevention etc......Example, you lose your credit card, somebody fraudulantly uses it.  They sign your name using your card.  This person who commited the crime has

    1) used your card fraudulantly

    2) commited another criminal act by signing your name

    3) and, theft

    4) above, protects you the consumer and the creditor

    If you, as a victim is called into court, this is evidence used against the suspect by law enforcement or your creditor who issued you your card; the store also needs this as evidence .  (All this stuff is needed by the courts, in the event it becomes a criminal and/or civil matter).  This as proof/evidence.

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