
Why can I help others but not help myself?

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I've had a lot of experiences good and bad and enough bad ones to know how to fix them. I'm pretty good at telling people how to fix a problem in my opinion but for some reason when I have similar issues I can't take my own advice into practical solutions. How do I fix that?




  1. not to aggressive.  

  2. I am in the same situation as well, I always have been my whole life.  I have no problem helping others with their problems and they often have the same problems as I do. I tell them all my solutions to those problems, and it helps them out, but for some reason those same solutions are unable to help me out.  I have come to the conclusion that the reason for this is that I am not ready to change yet, I am not ready to fix my problems because I fear what then?  Maybe you fear helping yourself because you are not ready to change.  The only thing that I can say is to just work on it and when you are helping others, just try and think of how that could possibly help you out as well. I hope that I helped some.  I wish I could do more, but I am in the same maze as you are my friend.  Things will get better, it just takes time.  

  3. maybe you are afraid that the solution of your problem is not what you want it to be.  if you are serious about fixing your own problems then you should accept whatever solution you feel is right, even though you may not like it

  4. Looking into one's own soul is much harder than trying to analyze another's.

  5. Learn to trust your gut.  What I have found is that when I trust my gut instinct it rarely is wrong, it's when I over analyze and over think every option that I become bogged down and lose confidence in my own ability to make good, positive decisions for myself....time to trust your instincts because ultimately your the one who has to live with the choice you make.

  6. i'm kinda in the same boat, just communicate more with others. My deal is i'm too sensitive good luck bro

  7. Dear Jerome, you probably do take your own advice, but maybe you just don't recognize it when you do, because it's so embedded in you and in the high standards you are used to setting for yourself (I am guessing here). So I would say, trust yourself and your good judgment. Just know in your heart who you are and that your experiences (good and bad) and your willingness to helping other people (with advice and so on) has put you on a path that is leading you to where you should be going.  

  8. what you have to do is get you favorite picture of yourself when you were young and carry it around with you.then when someone is nasty to you either look at if you can or just think of it.ask yourself is it fair how this person is badly treating that young child.the answer should be NO.then you do have to stick up for that young child just the same way you would for someone else.the more you do it the better you Will get at looking after yourself.i have done this myself and it works.i can look after myself now as much as i can my see it just is not fair to treat that young person like that is it?you have to look after them like you would if you had to as a daughter or friend.TRY IT good luck.later she might take your advice which would be even better.

  9. Wow, I am in the same boat.  It is like you can see the solution for others but when it comes to yourself you're in the situation and it is a lot harder to look objectively at yourself.  I wish I knew the answer to that myself.

  10. If we knew that we'd all be better off.  But, we don't.  This is a common trait though.  People can things more clearly when they are standing outside of a situation.  Sometimes, when we are the one's in the situation, it is harder to be objective.  Hope this helps.  Good luck!

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