
Why can I legally carry a loaded semi-auto only AK-47 in a vehicle in Arkansas but not a loaded hadgun?

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Why do I need a permit to carry a loaded handgun for defensive purposes but am allowed to carry a much more offensively capable weapon loaded with 30 round magazines or even a 75 round drum? What's up with that?

I got my concealed carry permit revoked for carrying a handgun in my vehicle while drinking and driving so now, I just carry an AK-74 in .223 caliber with 30 round magazine in place. The only place I can find where a feller might get in trouble is with the Game & Fish Commision as they do have regulations that forbid loaded firearms on state & county highways and roads while hunting. I would like to see them make a case that I was hunting in downtown Little Rock at 10 p.m. at night.




  1. There you go. Because you got your concealed weapons permit revoked. You can carry an AK-47 (which I'm not sure about your state but since the Auto-Ban has been removed you can own fully automatic rifles) and not a loaded handgun because you can't hide an AK-47 with a drum mag in your pocket, and sneak into a bank or a police station with it. I understand it doesn't make sense because of the offensive capability differences, but you could get into a more secure area and do more damage with a handgun than get only close to a secure are with an AK.  

  2. umm i dont know your guys law but it is not to smart to carry a gun in your car with the mag in the gun already. i thought it was a federal ban when you carried a gun in your car the bullets had to be in another compartment. well its like that here in Cali

  3. Glad I'm not in Arkansas.

  4. the most likely reason, is that the state legislature wrote the law in that manner,

    If you want to buck the system, go hunting in downtown Little Rock, day or night.

    I am sure, that the local law enforcement officers , as well as a judge or 2, would like to hear your reasoning as to why the law is wrong for you.

    as far as loseing your conceiled carry permit, for packing, while drinking & driving, i think that you should have been locked up too, because that shows that you are not a responsible person.

  5. A hand gun can be used as a concealed weapon my man. That's why.

  6. it has to do with concealment! handguns are easier to conceal, so laws tend to be a bit stricter concearning handguns vs. long guns.

    if you lost your ccw because you carried a handgun while drinking and driving, you deserved it! seriously, get with it man! guys like you are literally giving "fresh ammo" to anti-gun lobbiests and polititians to further trample the rights of the responsible, law-abiding armed citizens in this country. don't give them any more excuses to mess with gun rights than the screwed up ones they already have!      

  7. You are completely irresponsible!  I agree with RW completely.  Your irresponsible actions make responsible gun owners look like idiots.  Clean up your act!

    You only lost your permit to carry?  I have no sympathy for you.  The 2nd Amendment requires citizens to act responsibly.  Foolish actions like yours give anti-gun politicians like Bill Clinton, Charles Schumer, Diane Feinstein, and Barbara Boxer reason to pass anti-gun legislation.

    Clean up your act before we all lose our gun rights!

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