
Why can I legally carry a loaded semi-auto only AK-47 in a vehicle in Arkansas but not a loaded handgun?

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Why do I need a permit to carry a loaded handgun for defensive purposes but am allowed to carry a much more offensively capable weapon loaded with 30 round magazines or even a 75 round drum? What's up with that????

I got my concealed carry permit revoked for carrying a handgun in my vehicle while drinking and driving so now, I just carry an AK-74 in .223 caliber with 30 round magazine in place. The only place I can find where a feller might get in trouble is with the Game & Fish Commision as they do have regulations that forbid loaded firearms on state & county highways and roads while hunting. I would like to see them make a case that I was hunting in downtown Little Rock at 10 p.m. at night.




  1. To answer the "Why rifle allowed but not handgun"?  Historically handguns have been much more strictly regulated than long guns because it is easier to commit a variety of crimes with a handgun (concealable).  Also easier for crimes of opportunity.  Rifles are problematical to regulate because of their widespread use for hunting.  Hard to write a law that differentiates between "good" and "bad" rifles.  Mechanically, a semi-auto is a semi-auto, whether it has a pretty wooden stock or Rambo attachments.  Only sensible thing is a magazine restriction.  None in Ark.?  Well, if you ever DID shoot someone the large magazine and scary looking rifle would be used against you in a criminal or civil trial, trying to show your intent or state of mind, regardless of self-defense, etc.      (And yes, everyone, one can  plan ahead and rob a convenience store with a rifle.  Just not as readily.)  Stay safe.

  2. just what we need - someone drunk behind the wheel with a loaded  AK 47.  Your chances of dying just doubled in Arkansaw.

  3. You need to check your local and state laws better before you drive around town with that in your car or truck. Most states have a ban on the round amount that can be carried in a car. California you can have more than a ten round clip and in Arizona it is 16 rounds.

  4. I never cease to be amazed at what the rednecks in this state do...  

  5. I live in Arkansa and would like to be there when they stop you and throw your butt in jail for carrying that weapon loaded.

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