
Why can I make what i feel as strong ki/chi/jing balls but not powerful blasts?

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I have been working with energy for some time, and am used to it and love it and want to be an accupuncturist some day to help people. I believe in it strongly and will always deffend against any con's against it. I'm only 15, but I know that with many years of practice before I go to accupuncture school the energy will be strong to help people from there. I help myself and friends by using ki or chi healings with cuts wounds or just simple pains like headaches. I make chi balls in approximately 10 seconds. For a nice well rounded one about 1 minute or so. If i concentrate on one for a good 5 to 10 minutes I can feel it intensify and become heavy, but when I throw them even that strong I see no effect (or affect). My friend feels it, but I'm afraid its just in his mind because he is new to this. I'm not sure, I throw it against paper pens and anything else you can think of, why isn't it strong enough for effect? I just simply want to move objects or make them fall. When I try blasts i feel it more than throwing the balls. Why don't they effect anything either? Any masters or someone with some feedback as to why this is happening? It's just very frustrating to know that I can make these things, but not make them work intentionally (or with Yi). Thanks everybody for your help. Sorry its such a long question but I made an account just for this. Thanks!!!




  1. Dr. William A. Tiller has developed methods of studying this: and "Psychoenergetic Science."

    Paul Dong is a chi gong master, and has many contacts in China:  "China's Major Mysteries" and "Chi Gong."

    Dr. Olga Kharitidi, in "Entering the Circle" and "The Master of Lucid Dreams," also interesting.

    Mark Prophet has an extensive insight into Energy:  "The Path of the Higher Self" and "The Masters and Their Retreats."

    "Kundalini West," Ann Ree Colton.

    "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock,

    "Reborn in the West:  The Reincarnation Masters," Vicki MacKenzie,

    "Alternative Medicine," Burton Goldberg,

    "Mindset," Dr. Carol Dweck,

    "Autobiography of a Yogi," Yogananda,

    "Harmony and Health," Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, and

    "Extraordinary Knowing," Dr. Elizabeth Mayer.

    Dr. Dweck may have some good insights as to "standing in your own way" and/or Mark Prophet, regarding "right desire."

  2. seeing as these "energy balls" are all in your head, try imagining harder.

  3. Hold the phone Beijing -- are you serious! I think you've been watching too much dragon ball Z.

    It's all in your mind, that's why. The power of suggestion doesn't work on inanimate objects.

  4. oh man.. I don't want to read all of that.  

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