
Why can I no longer post a message on freecycle?

by  |  earlier

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I have been using freecycle for at least a year...both giving away stuff to happy recipients or getting great stuff for my family. I went to post a message yesterday and it said I can not post a message to this group. Could someone help?




  1. I agree with the other answer.. contact the owner/moderators... I loved freecycle but in my area they got to be to anal about everything so I just went on no mail, don't participate cause when {some} people get a little power they get kynda anal.....peAce

  2. Contact the group leader.

    We have had a couple of real pain in the butts of leaders near us.

    One refused to allow a posting we made to give away video's because, apparently, the group had decided that they should go to charity shops instead.

    Another threw us out because we forgot to put our locality on the advert.

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