
Why can I not compare Obama's big ears to those of a monkey?

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Is there something wrong here that I'm missing? Political cartoons have for the last 8 years made fun of Bush's big ears, likening Bush to a monkey, so why not Obama for the very same reason?




  1. Monkeys would file suit over the insult.

  2. GB already holds that spot.

  3. You can.  It is a free country.  I'm sure you and the others at the Klan meetings do it all the time.

  4. Do what you will. It hardly matters.

  5. I've been saying for months that he looks just like Curious George.

  6. You are not permitted to criticize the anointed one in any way! If you do not support Obama you are an evil racist NeoCon. Just ask any liberal, and they'll tell you.

  7. There is no good reason except the intolerance of the democratic Party..

  8. Haven't you heard rules for Obama are different.

  9. Because Bush has had the monkey comparisons all sown up for years.  

  10. Because he is black and for many years blacks have been likened to monkeys based on the similiarites of their skin color, facial features, and the way they act.  So now that is a touchy subject with them

  11. It is against religion,morals and ethics to laugh at any person whomever he is.

  12. because that would be racist, better to compare obama to dumbo not only for resemblance to the ears but his (mis)understanding of world affairs and how gullible he believes we all are.

  13. They will....They will.

  14. Oh your big trouble now that's like calling their Messiah a hippie. Actually they have already brought lawsuits and discrimination charges against people selling curious george '08 shirts so...

  15. You can make that comparison all you want. Just expect to witness a great many egocentric jerks whimper and complain, likening you to a racist. It's stupid, but many people draw some sick conclusions in their head when thinking of a black person and a primate.

    Personally, I think Obama resembles a black Howdy Doody (puppet from an old kids show).

  16. two words:

    Double Standard...  

  17. Because Obama is sacrosanct:  treated as if holy; immune from criticism or violation.   People react to others' disrespect for him much like some muslims react to disrespect for Muhammad.  

  18. I think truth seeker made your point for you.  You're immediately considered racist.

    TOS required answer:  You can but you'll be labeled racist.

  19. I believe you just did. So "yes  you can"!

    Edit. It is juvenile  though.

  20. Comparing a black person to a monkey has been a common tactic of racists for too long to be acceptable anymore.  When you compare Obama to a monkey, the assumed meaning is that you are implying black people are lower on the evolutionary ladder than other people, not that it is a big ears joke.

  21. because the moderators of this site are in the tank for obama

  22. That would sound racist.  

    However, we could compare McCain to Mr. Burns from the Simpsons.  He is almost exactly like old, cantakerous, out of touch multi-millionaire who has no idea how many houses he owns.

    McCain is the Mr. Burns of American politics.   "How do I turn on this computer machine?"   LOL!

  23. because this is a very PC  board and some people would not like it

    you know

    veryyyyyyyyy   sensitive

  24. Why would you want to.  Only shallow people look at and make fun of people that look different.


  26. Yes they have made fun of bush's ears but I don't remember them being compared to a monkeys. Do monkeys have huge ears? I thought donkeys and elephants had big ears compared to other animals. Black people have been compared to monkeys all their life and that comparison is meant as an insult. Then and now.

  27. I don't know if the monkey is a good comparison, but Obama should suffer the same strife that any public servant before him has.  Some of those political cartoons are less than kind, but it's fair game.

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