
Why can I not see properly any more????

by  |  earlier

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I have recently developed hazy patches around my eyes, but thought nothing of it at the time as I was tired. It has continued though and my eye surgeon/optician doesn't know what's wrong. Can anyone help?????




  1. Could be dryness of the eyes, though why can't your optician diagnose this? See if you can go to your GP and they may be able to send you off for some blood tests to check your glucose levels etc.

    In the time being, try washing your eyes out with a eye solution or use eye drops. Optrex is a good brand.

  2. How long have you had this and is it getting worse?  How much does it affect your vision?

    If it doesn't clear up keep going back, ask for a second opinion.  Don't let it go, your sight is one of the most precious things you have.

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