
Why can I not win on Full Tilt poker?

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I'm not claiming to be Phil Ivey, or even a pro by any standard, but I can not win in the real money games on

I flop top pair....they make trips.

I flop trips....they river a straight

I bluff at a pot....they call with low pair

I pre-raise with AK....I get called.....and AK never comes. Ever.

I have played poker for almost 30 years. I win a fair amount in live games and am usually am in the top 5 in my weekly poker league.

Someone give me some insight. Please!!!!!

BTW... I am not a quitter so please don't suggest that unless you feel online poker is not on the up and up. I would quit once I figure out how to win :)





  1. What stakes are you playing?  If you are playing low stakes many people are calling machines and will call with anything.  Also, on the net you have to be more aggressive than a live game.

  2. You are not betting aggressively enough.  You're letting too many people stay in on drawing hands.  Learn to play poker.

  3. Without actually watching you play, it's hard to give an accurate answer to fix your play.  Some basic guidelines:  

    First take note of how each player at the table with you is playing, both preflop and postflop.  Are they passive/aggressive and are they tight/loose.  Do they continuation bet often, and do they fold to continuation bets?

    If you're playing at low stakes, .25/.50 or lower, than there's likely many loose passive players who will pay you when you hit a hand.  Bet top pair top kicker/good kicker or better for value, and make flop/turn bets about the size of the pot.  Vary your river bet based on hand strength/opponnent's likely willingness to call from 1/4 pot (opp very weak) 1/2 pot (standard) to the pot or more (if you think opp is strong/unwilling to let this one go).  At low stakes, do not cbet the flop without connecting except in heads up pots, and Ace or King high flops.  Never cbet into more than 2 opponnents.  Finally make sure you're positionally aware, playing far fewer hands utg than on the button, and use agression.  If you're playing the pot you should be raising preflop to take initiative, hopefully get a flop heads up, then take it down with a pot-sized cbet.

    If stakes are larger, then read up on LAG and TAG strategies, and I'd suggest lowering the limits until you start beating the lower levels.

    I could write a book about all different things to consider when playing a hand because there are almost infinite scenarios.  These I feel are some of the more common flaws in people's play.  Focus on active thinking at the table, talking to yourself about why you're going to make the play you think is best, and remember that agression pays.

    PS, once you learn how to win, quitting is not the way to go, lol.

    PPS, saw your note on bluffs being called.  Don't bluff ever!  This is serious.  When you're at these tables, players are calling too much, so that's what you're looking to exploit, their tendancy to throw money in the pot that they shouldn't.  Only bet for value and only with top pair and better holdings.

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