
Why can a breastfed baby have cows milk at 6 months?

by Guest63002  |  earlier

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"The breastfeeding baby can take some of his milk as cow's milk after about 6 months of age, "

I am just curious why a breastfed baby can have some cow's milk after 6 months, but formula fed babies can't, or did I miss something?




  1. Read the disclaimer " Unless otherwise noted the articles at this website are not written by doctors or other health care professionals" this website is not a credible source of information, so please don't do anything without asking your doctor.  

  2. I wouldnt know why someone would say that. I've never heard it. All I've ever heard was from my childs doctor. And each one has said not to give my child cow's milk before the age of one because its harder for the child to digest younger than one and it could cause food allergies. I would guess your best answer would be call and get the opinion of your own dr. or childs dr.  

  3. The article says something about giving your baby whole milk INSTEAD of formula due to a lack of breastmilk....I'm not sure exactly where it is but I have read that article before.  It is basically implying that whole milk is better than formula b/c baby is still getting most nutrition from bm.

  4. i never knew that a breast fed baby could have milk at 6 months. thats news to me

  5. first of all, that info is from Dr. Jack Newman, not from kellymom.

    this is what kellymom herself says:

    "Use of cow's milk before a year is controversial among experts. You might want to get your baby's doctor's opinion on this.

    The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends NO cow's milk until after the first birthday.

    Cow's milk is more specific to a baby cow than a baby human. Cow's milk formula is based on cow's milk but has been engineered to be closer to human milk (still a ways off, but closer). Many infants still have problems with cow's milk formula (allergies, GI problems, etc.). Babies who are exposed to cow's milk before their first birthday are more likely to be anemic, have diarrhea or vomiting, and/or experience an allergic reaction (the proteins in milk are more numerous than those in other milk products, such as the yogurt). The excessive protein load in cow's milk can also overload a baby's kidneys. It is deficient in vitamins C, E, and copper. It is harder to digest as well, often causing intestinal blood loss. A number of studies have also indicated that early introduction of cow's milk may contribute to the development of Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus.

    Others see no problem with starting cow's milk toward the end of the first year unless there is a family history of allergy to it. Dr. Jack Newman, a renowned expert in the lactation field, is one of these. See the Breastmilk, cow's milk, formula, outside work and bottles section of his article "Breastfeeding and Other Foods." Notice that he qualifies this advice with the importance of the baby being well-established on a variety of solids and continuing to be breastfed (both of which should help make up for what cow's milk can't offer at this age). He also suggests that supplemental milk of any kind is not all that necessary if the baby is allowed to nurse frequently when with mom. He suggests offering the baby solid foods with some water or small amounts of juice instead. "

    i don't see how anyone here could have a problem with that...

  6. this is kellymom! She's a counselor i believe- Something non-medical, a non-involved non-professional, non-parenting, non-qualified yenta.-Nothing but a head with a mouth attached. Honestly, I can't stand that woman. Much of the advice on there is dangerous, the rest of it largely rubbish, and no reputable medical professional backs her. Disregard it all.

    her fine point is the best and most accurate statement on that site.

    For your daughter's sake,  why not try medline, or something else reputable?

  7. Well, some people think that giving milk too early will cause allergies. Isn't formula made from cow's milk anyway (most)? Breastmilk puts a protective coating on a baby's stomach and of course, the antibodies help protect them. Research shows that breastfed babies are less prone to allergies. I really think that all in all, it is not recommended that babies have cow's milk until they are a year, because they should not rely too much on it nutritionally.

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