
Why can a metal boat float?

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Explain thouralghy!!




  1. metal boats are made out of aluminum a very light weight metal.  When placed on water they displace the water thus not allowing the boat to sink

  2. try this

    take two peices of aluminum foil from the kitchen

    wad one up, it will sink

    all metal is heavier than water and cannot possibley float

    not shape the other peice of foil over a small bowl or tennis ball, it will float

    the part about displacement was very well explained above but perhpas this demonstration will help you see it

  3. Learn to spell.

    Let me explain THOROUGHLY.

    Because it displaces water.


    If it does not leak...and it is configured to displace will float. Add water until it no longer has bouyancy greater than it's will sink.

    On perfectly still water...perfectly a laboratory test pool....a sheet of steel that is perfectly flat will still  lay on top of the water as long as it is laid on the water perfectly flat...lowered from above. As long as it does not tip and there is no ripple...that is...nothing breaks the surface tension...the sheet will float.

  4. bouyancy and water displacement, the more water you displace the more something can weigh.

    ie.Every substance has density, including water. If the density of a given object is greater than the density of the water around it, it sinks. If it is less, it floats.

  5. Because its a Witch!

    Burn the witch!  

    Its a scientific Fact!

    Boats float

    Ducks float

    wood floats

    wood burns

    so if a boat floats it must weighs less than a duck and is therefore a witch...

    burn the witch.

  6. Displacement The boat replaces where water is because of it's weight. Not enough to sink but enought to float.

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