
Why can adults be rude to teens, but teens can't be rude back? PLEASE READ THE DETAIL

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I want to know. I am not rude back because I want to be the bigger person and look cool

They rub it in our faces all the time and if we are rude back, we gt in trouble.




  1. i am rude bak to my mother wen she is rude to me b.c then she gets mad at me and i can then tell her she is being cranky. Then she stops...

    but with other adults i just try to ignore it. I say sorry and or thanks and move on.

    Adults just think that they can push us around a lil more than they should


  2. I don't know any adults that are rude to teens.

  3. my parents call me a dumb a** & put me down...but yeh i ignore it....i just put up with there rudeness makes me feel like the bigger person & im not on there level

  4. its called respect.

  5. it's because they are older and they think seniority rules - plus our parents are responsible for us till we're 18 so sucks for us

  6. You should always respect your elders,..... but I think you should just try to be decent to everyone, let the other person look like the jerk.

  7. Thats life, cry me a river.

  8. I have this theory that when someone turns 40 they turn completely retarted, seriously some of the things adults yell at us for IS COMPLETELY REDICULOUS.

  9. I guess it is all based on the respect factor.. and who has been on the planet longer. I don't really know about them being rude though. Will you give me an example? LOL. But besides them being rude... the only thing that you can really do is well nothing unless you want to get in trouble. Like if my mom says be quiet to me i can't yell back and say no! b/c i was in her stomach for nine months and through labor... and if all that isnt enough she has to take care of me for another 20 yearsl lol

    hope that helped x]

  10. It's a free country and you can choose to be rude if you wish.  Freedom of speech is somewhat limited but it's still there... somewhat.  It's a matter of how you want people to perceive you and how you want to perceive yourself.  It is a matter of personal choice.  I can go off the handle like the next guy, but for the most part, I try not to and when I do I usually regret doing so.

  11. well, it's a power struggle between the ages. i fight with my dad, but when i yell back at him, i start shaking because i don't yell at him often.  

  12. Becuz they have to go through our S**t all of the time and being rude back doesn't make it any better! It's called respect your parents!

  13. Omg I know what you mean. I just had this arguement today with my mom. If they want us to treat them with respect, they could at least trust us with respect.

  14. They're not rude, it's call discipline.

  15. Well, I don't know any adults that are rude to teens. But I would be rude back, I know you should respect people. But if people don't show you respect you shouldn't show them respect either. Unless it's your parent's.

    Good luck ♥♥♥♥

  16. because we really dont have a voice till were 18 i know its sucks so its hard to fight back because you will get grounded or something but they dont remember what its like to be a teen/

  17. anyone that i speak to gets the same respect they show me .. age irrelevant

  18. It's not necessarily relative to age. There are certainly some adults I know who have absolutely NO respect for anyone, but demand respect from everyone else. My mother is this way, and apparently always will be. But I have also met far too many teens who have no respect for anyone. It really doesn't matter what age you are, just WHO you are. My mother was raised in a situation where no one respected her, so now she is rude to everyone, just like she was taught. It's a vicious cycle, and hopefully you can break out of it and not be rude to your own kids.

    The best kind of person should never be rude to anyone, regardless of how rudely they may be treated. Yeah, it sucks, but nothing but pissed off people results from rudeness. Just keep being the bigger person and you'll always come out on top.  

  19. because they practicaly own us unil we are 18.

    if they are rude to you, just sit there, say nothing. You will know in your mind that your are right, but you won't get in truble.

  20. Because everyone in our society is looking for a way to have power over someone else.  For those that agree that parents should be rude to kids, get a dog and see how long the dog stands it.  How do you get respect if you don't earn it?  Kids are more rude today, because parents believe that the kids are their meal ticket, their property, someone to do the chores when they're too lazy to get up and do it (chores are for everyone--those who have hands wash their own dishes).  I've got news for everyone, slavery and wage slavery ended years ago, but welcome to the age of mental slavery where minds are chained up and sold to the highest bidder (ex:  Parents abusing kids, parents selling kids, parents marrying kids--Woody Allen and Soon-Yi, parents telling kids they won't amount to anything...should I go on?)

  21. As a teen, you are still a child.  Deal with it.

  22. Because until you are 18, they own you. They've already been taught by their parents, so you don't need to teach them. They, however, are responsible for teaching you.

  23. Yep, respect, even though what goes on in our minds in DEFINTELY not respectful!

  24. My mom and I pretty much respect each other all the my house we have been taught to be respectful to our elders...however, i was once disrespectful to a teacher at school, and she told my mom...(they are friends...i kno, stupid on my part)  and I got in SO much trouble that I dont care if someone is rude to me, I am not fixin to say anything if I think for one minute that they will tell my mom.

    If you had my mom, you'd say the say thing, I promise!

  25. Follow what they do and make them make the mistakes. They get very embrassed when they do.

    Give them respect though.

  26. I am sure they are not being rude, that would just be your imagination.

  27. I dont know I wouldnt be rude to a teen for no reason. I am an adult. I think respect is a given until someone does something to make me not respect them. if an adult is being rude to you and there is no reason I mean really no reason for it. then be the bigger person and just ignore it they are probably miserable adults anyways. however look very carefully at yourself and make sure that you are not giving them reasons to be disrespectful.alot of teenagers (no offense) are really self centered.

  28. I'm sorry someone's treating you badly but you're doing right by being the bigger person.

    I gave this question a good bit of thought before responding, because I honestly believe that everyone should be giving and receiving respect, but at the same time, elders are higher on the hierarchy due to wisdom, etc.

    Some adults have just gotten in a bad habit of doing stupid things, perhaps because they aren't held accountable anymore.  That doesn't mean you should always take it.

    If they do something stupid not worth arguing over, ignore it, or if possible, restate what they said in an irritating manner, and make it sound like they should have.

    Example: You just told "Mr. Rob" (made-up name) that you want to go to college.  His response:  "What do you want to do that for!  You don't have to go to college.  Some people just aren't cut out for college.  You should just stick with flipping burgers."

    Remember you are going to restate their response more nicely, so you say something like this: "You asked me WHY did I decide to go to college.  It's a chance to better my life and get my foot in the door. "

    The next time they do something that REALLY

       If this indirect approach does not work, sit down and have a more frank discusion.  Use "I" words as much as you can.  "I think," feel, want, etc.

         I'm sending you an assertiveness article.  Look up anything on assertiveness.  There's a difference between aggressiveness (which is about what you're describing of the adult) and assertiveness, which is how you should respond to such behavior.  Instead of holding it back and allowing yourself to be treated badly, assertiveness training teaches how to RESPECTFULLY ask to treat you nicer.

        Good luck.  While I agree that you should respect your elders, you must respect yourself, too, by learning how to ask for what you need.

  29. does a puppy bite back at it's parents?

    -at it's peril!

  30. Some people think older people should be respected no mater what. In my opinion people who aren't respectful shouldn't receive respect. I never really understood that whole "respect your elders" thing. Like, Osama bin Laden is older than me, but there's no way I'd respect him. And people who are rude don't deserve respect, it doesn't matter how old they are.  

  31. you don't get in trouble as long as you remember they dont own you own yourself  

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