
Why can children see ghosts better than adults?

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My son sometimes sees ghosts and I can't see them. I have had supernatural experiences before so I don't know why I can't see what he sees. I totally believe in ghosts and have no doubt that they exist. People say children are more open, but I am open to and I still can't see them as much as him. How do I fix this? I want to be able to see more ghosts.




  1. children are blessed to be born with innocence about all things.  They do not have the phobias that we have.  We as adults instill those into the child as it grows and learns.  I like to think that the world might be a better place if we all had the innocence of a child.

    As children get older and start to experience fear, we try to sooth them by telling them that there are no such things as ghost or(fill in the blank).  And as they grow older they lose the ability in most cases...

  2. Children have an unhindered faith that such things exist. They are open to such experiences. As we grow older our minds begin to be less receptive to new possibilities.

  3. It's only because children tend to have much more active, creative and vivid imaginations than adults do. What's more, at an early age it is not as clear to them the distinction between what is imaginary and what is real.

    How do you fix this? Recognize that your son is doing what is normal for children. Don't encourage belief in imaginary friends or ghosts, but don't scold him for it either. It's a normal phase he will grow out of. If he's 10 years old and still has imaginary friends, then you might be concerned at that point and consult a childhood development specialist.

  4. i believe they are more open and honest  besides they havent been taught yet to fear it yet

  5. ok. well i no that you no that people say that childrens minds are more open. i think that the reason is that kids minds havent adjusted to the fact that some things are real and some things are supernatural. so since you no that the "things" that you see are ghostly you would most likely not be able to see them. you son however doesnt try to see them he just does. its hard to explain to you over yahoo answers but i hope that this helped! good luck with your "ghost hunting" business. lol

  6. not everyone sees ghosts and maybe only rarely you do, its not a trait you develope. i can see the ones that want to be seen, otherwise none appear to me but i can tell if their present. you really can't fix it, sorry :\

  7. I heard that children has better eyesight than adults. I think I read it in a book.

  8. This has been my experince as a child, and having my own children.  They are more open because they have not yet been programmed to think, "Seeing is believing," or, "If you can't touch it, it's not there."  Try meditating.  It may not help, per say, but if you relax your mind enough (don't try to convince yourself you can, it dosen't work like that) you will become more "sensitive," a LITTLE.  Some people lose it completely.  I rarely see ghosts myself anymore, but I can always hear them.  The only time I see them, is when they want me too.

    Sounds like the poor guy realizes he's dead, or is accepting it.......:(((((

    Edit:  As for trying hypnosis.  A shrink tried that, and it wasn't such a good experince.  I don't remember too much, but a year later the guy had completely changed his life, and was terrified of me.

  9. Children are innocent and more willing to believe in things that "don't exist"

  10. Children can see ghost and experience stuff more than adults and easier than adults because they still hold the sense of wonder. They have not been over taken by society yet :( We can all work our way back to this state of mind , it just takes time and practice and patience haha :D Im working on mine right now :)


  11. I think it happens to adults as much as children. Children tell their parents everything they see while an adult might not tell anyone of a paranormal experience fearing everyone think they're crazy or hallucinating. Non-believers always learn the hard way though. They must remember that not because it didn't happen to them, it's not real. They keep coming back, though, to this area. Looking for what, I don't know. I would love to see the look on their face if they saw something! That's when I wouldn't mind being a fly on a wall! Hahahahaaaa!!!!

  12. I never saw ghosts or imaginary things as a child/ adolescent; after my parents passed away of natural causes when I was in my 20s, things started happening. All I can say for sure is that this world is a lot bigger than science can measure, and paranormal events will keep happening in spite of our knowledge or lack thereof.

  13. I see more ghost- spirits now than when I was a child. I kinda always blew it off. Perhaps I am more open now. It's part to do with tuning in and open enough for the third eye to open. first your spirit has to feel their presence, then the third eye opens. That's the way it works for me, your spirit senses it first.


    I wouldn't worry about it, they are everywhere, everywhere I ever lived, and sometimes at work, I either would see them or feel their presence. Your child will either grow with this ability or in time adjust to normal vision. Usually there is nothing that will harm your child, I am sure there are many good spirits that watch over your child.

  14. No such thing.

    The world isn't as complicated as we would like it to be, it actually boringly fascinating.

    1+1= 2 only the miracle of birth can make it = 3.

    That's about as fascinating as this world will ever be.

  15. Coz they haven't been deprogrammed by adult negativity with such comments as there's no such thing as ghosts for the upteeenth time in their life!

  16. Because, you have to believe to see. And mostly younger people believe in those kinds of things, because they haven't been taught not to. I'm 13, my sister is 15, and my brother is 20. And we've ALL seen ghosts. But, we've been seeing them for some while (couple of years), and been watching scary movies since we were little. So, we've always believed. If you've believed in ghosts for a long time, and you still don't see them, then maybe they don't want to bother you, or they just like to be around your son.

    I'm clueless. :P

  17. Danica, my son is almost two also. I hear him talking to who I thought was just himself, when he is in his bed. And it's not just baby garble, I can hear him as clear as anything asking questions, pausing as tho listening, and then answering yeah. My husband went into his room to get him out of bed, only to find him standing with arm outstretched over the side the cot and holding a toy, like he was trying to hand it to someone. He asked him who he was chatting with, and he said "The man". It could be make believe, but I think not. I have seen too much to think otherwise.

    Agreeing with Remi, I was wondering why there are so many skeptics here in this topic. Maybe because they just love to give the thumbs down.

  18. Children are closer to the Spirit because they have not been brain washed into denying it. They have just recently passed thorough the veil into our world. From spirit we came and to spirit we shall return. Your Son is seeing them and talking to them, don't be afraid allow him to tell you about it, soon he will forget and be like everyone else, a few children will never forget (Like myself) and others will "Out grow it."

  19. Children live in the spirit world before they are born, at two years old he will still be spiritual and be able to see spirit, this will go away as he gets older.

    In some cases if it is a gift he may be allowed to keep it, that is if he is to become a medium and help people who are grief stricken, and prove to them life goes on.

  20. Well the believer will say that children are more open and receptive, which I think they are. The skeptic will say they have an imaginary friend or is just playing which could be.

    Children are hard to figure out, their brain is not on our level. I have seen a ghost and I wish I could see more. I believe ghosts show themselves to who they want when they want. Why I don't know if we had all the answers it would not be paranormal.

    Just keep asking him questions about who he is seeing.


  21. You don't 'fix this'. Not seeing ghosts is normal as they do not exist. It is just your son's lack of understanding of the world around him that created such hallucinations.

    EDIT: Kids also believe in Santa, Easter Bunny and the Tooth-fairy too. Go figure.

    From the age of 18 months my daughter, who is nearly 7 now, also could describe in detail a lady in a red floral dress. Describe exactly what she was doing and what she was saying to her. She doesn't talk to her as much anymore but she used to talk to her daily. For example, my daughter would stop mid sentences and ask her friend not to interrupt. Or she would tell her to move out of the way of the T.V. Or she would tell her to put her toys back where they were. Or tell her to help with a "play" or “dance show”, or “party” that she would put on with her imaginary friend. Her imaginary friend was even pregnant once and had a baby. My daughter even wanted us to call the doctor - I think she was only about three (or less) when that happened.

    So you see, the imagination of a child is truly wonderful and unique.

    2nd EDIT: I also find it fascinating that to the person who asks the question, some people consider the account of that parent given. However, I give an account of my own daughter in response to the question and I receive a few thumbs down for it - amazing!

  22. Are you sure you arent projecting your wishes onto the child.  Children can be very aware of emotions/wishes, etc of their parents, and perhaps he is seeing 'ghosts' as he wishes to please his mother.

  23. Are you open minded to the possibility that what a young child reports isn't always truthful?  The imagination of a small person is very active and they aren't always able to tell the difference between real and imagined.  This has nothing to do with children being more open to the paranormal.  They're just more open to making fantastical things up.

    If you wish to see more ghosts you will need to make a concentrated effort at detaching yourself from reality.  People with fantasy-prone personalities and those who practice magical thinking are most adept at perceiving normal events as paranormal.

  24. I think children are more open-minded, they don't have the jaded view of the world that adults do. Why? just because. That's the way it is. You could probably get hypnosis or something, I personally don't want to see any ghosts!!

  25. When we are born into this life, a vail is put in place so that we do not remember our existence with heavenly father. This is done so that it will enable us to experience life, its challenges, its beauty,  and to develop our personalities. Babies and young children are new spirits born into a human body and their vail is much thinner than an adult's. They are able to see what we do not as older persons. As we grow, our everyday lives become cluttered with the realities around us such as work, complex problem solving, and the struggle to live everyday.

    Children are not faced with our same problems and responsibilities so they are able to see through this vail. They can only explain what they see from a child's perspective and may not always use the proper words necessary for us as adults to be able to understand what they see.

  26. the ghost  is not a good thing!!!!! u should dont see it more

  27. Children have not yet been brainwashed to believe in only what they have been told esist. They believe what they see and experience.

  28. When I was six I saw something twice.  Once driving down the highway in the back of someones car, my brother saw it as well and once in my living room, hiding in a box.  Both of these things I saw I could only describe as being demons, not a ghost.  They were small, my size and they were greyish greenish color and had spikes on their head.  It was really terrifying.  So, I do believe children are more open to seeing things, but what they are seeing may not be good.  I do believe there is a spirit world that we cannot see most of the time and I believe there are some terrible things in that spirit world that try to hurt us.  I would be concerened about what your son is seeing and I think you need to defer his attention away from whatever it is becuase I don't think it's good or healthy.

  29. Because children are more pure,innocent,and still connected to spirit,and have not been corrupted by life yet.

    They don't have the biases,and filters yet.

    If enough people tell them that what you see is not real,then they doubt themselves,get labled,and stop believing in their own inner ability.

    For the adult that says that he can't,well,they never will either,and live to tell about it.

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