
Why can i feel my my abs but i can't see them.?

by  |  earlier

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How come when ever i do sit ups and crunches. And at the end i can feel a six pack on my stomach. But when i stand up and look in the mirror. I can't see my six pack but does this mean that i am getting a six pack.




  1. Simply put, you're too fat. Lose the fat by doing cardio and cutting some calories, and keep working the muscles.

  2. well depends on your body fat %. if your 12 and under on your bf% then there visible...

  3. 2 things: 1. You have to up your fat-burning exercise by way of some form of moderate to intense cardio. (The best way to melt fat off your abs is to run IMO) 2. Cut the fat out of your diet significantly but don't go overboard. If anyone tells you otherwise they are lying.

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