
Why can i not log in?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i have only been trying for a year to work for chacha i have some spare time and wanted to try it out...get a little extra money....i finally got an email to be a guide expiditor and when i tried to log in it said account is suspended and so i email customer support and tried callling the toll free number and even their office headquarters in Indiana still nothing but leave a message....what else is there is this a scam email or what?




  1. It sounds really suspicious to me.  Though their web site is still up.  And the application still appears.  So maybe it was just a glitch or server down when you tried.  

    But >..........sorry to say, it appears you've been led astray.  This announcement was made on March 31, 2008>>>>>>..

    Today, according to an email sent to ChaCha’s guides titled “The Future Is Here,” they announced that guided search will be discontinued in favor of the one product they offer that isn’t monumentally dumb - mobile search. They claim that “new users are growing at a staggering rate every day” (most likely due to cell phone spamming).  

  2. Try contacting them again. It's not a scam. ChaCha is still up and running. I work for them. Infact, I'm working right now, and it's busy as ever. There's little to no down time. Questions just pour in. So, keep trying their CS number. It's not 24 hours , I don't think, so try between standard business hours for your best chance. Good luck! :D
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