
Why can many people not accept the truth?

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Especially when it is a simple undisputable fact.




  1. "The Truth Hurts"

    Thats why i'm afriad.

    You an safe in the knowledge that you're right though...thats good enough.

  2. ''Truth'' often a very or purely 'subjective matter', and could easily turn on the difference between being seen as a 1: 'Terrorist' or  2: a 'Freedom Fighter'.

    Indisputable facts are that 'He Shot someone'.  

    Arguable matters:  Did he do so as a terrorist, or as someone fighting to defend his own life, his home ~ family ~ way of life ~ country etc....?

    In not accepting what you refer to as the truth, has to have a payoff for the one busy doing all of the ignoring.  That payoff may simply be internal to them, it might be prestige / kudos amongst their fellows, or there could be any one of a number of reasons.

    Why are some people so h**l bent on converting others to seeing what they term as 'The Truth' in all things?

    What would be the payoff for you of having someone see and accept your version of The Truth?

    Hope this helps!


  3. Simple: because they think they are right.

  4. This happens when peoples emotions get in the way. Emotions can be so strong they seem the truth even though other people can see it's not.

  5. Truth is relative...some believe the Bible is the word of "God" and as such, the "Truth". Others disagree.

    People interpret things differently, usually by choice, sometimes through ignorance.

    Some people just choose to be contrary, regardless of whatever facts are presented.

  6. The truth about anything is unknown to you and to the many people of whom you speak.

    We all run around with our own subjective versions of the truth and try to convince everyone else and ourselves that our version is the objective and only 'true' version.

  7. Here's a truth then God doesn't exist accept that.

  8. Subception - the process of rejecting an experience without it even coming into conscious awareness if it threatens the present defence system and sense of self.  

  9. The truth hurts and people don't want to be hurt so they choose to live based on a lie.

  10. Because human always want things to go their own way.

  11. people base their life on principals. if the truth contradicts thier principals people are defensive and refuse to accept it. the principals can be simple, from a toilet is dirty to huge like religion. many people base how the live and react based on the principals they have been told and learnt and accepted. take my 96 year old grandmother she will not take any of her clothes or towels or anything into a bathroom if there is a toilet . as her understanding of a toilet is the thunderboxes out in your backyard. her understanding is that toilets are germ ridden and that the waste remains. she can not understand how a new age toilet removes the waste from the house. and will not accept the truth that the toilet is more hygenic than the ice machine that mcdonalds.

    also peoples lack of understanding of simple concepts inhibits their ability to understand the truth. take a child thier understanding of physic does not exist so if you try to explain to a child why a bird can fly they dont understand and cant accept it as they do not grasp the concepts behind the truth.

    i hope this helps

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