
Why can men be fat, but women have to be attractive?

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Is it just me? Men can be fat and ugly (and it doesn't seem to matter if they have money or not) and they get a pretty girl. It seems so unfair that a woman has to be extraordinarily beautiful in order to get a good-looking man. What is left for the average-looking woman??? You see this in real life, and also in fake-life (tv shows, celebrities): Christina Aguilera/Jordan Bratman, Jimmy Kimmel/Sarah Silverman, etc. What's your opinion?




  1. because being male and the superior s*x, we are more confident, and demanding and being the lesser s*x (female) you ladies tend to rely on looks more. hate the answer but its true.  

  2. i hate this too. its the way society has reved up the idea of the ideal woman. well guess what? there is no dream girl. everyone is different and men can't accept the fact that no one is really going to be a size 0 unless they don't eat and they like bony b*****s.

    at least we real woman have some meat on our bones!

  3. All that matters about a woman is that she be beautiful. Men can be judged by a number of other characteristics before looks come into play; humour, ability to make you laugh, charm, confidence, personality etc. The first thing anyone ever asks about a woman is "is she pretty?" or "how does she look?". Like if a woman isn't beautiful, then she isn't valuable or valid as a person; she'll be a man's friend, at best. This I believe is because woman aren't really considered actual human beings, they're looked at as objects to posses. Sexual objects, if you will. How often is it where you see a film where a woman doesn't play a character that is a love interest, or nude, or the woman the main character is f*cking? If a woman isn't aesthetically appealing than she will have a harder time in life. I don't like it, and others can deny this happens all they like, nonetheless, it is a recurring observation. In many ways, women still are the second s*x.

  4. The human species can't help being what it is,

    we can b***h all we want about it, take sides

    even, but like it or not, male or female, which

    btw. i happen to beleive, neither are superior or

    inferior to each other, unlike humans, nature

    waiste nothing which is why what ever comes

    into exzistance must have a purpose and if it

    doesn't, rest assure, it'll soon be exstinct, so

    it's pointless to fight over superiority, whether

    in the looks or weight deptartment, or anything

    else for that matter . . .

    d**n it people, we have to look a certain way and

    act a certain way or we simply won't be,

    simple as that, what we might wanna do instead

    of consulting our mirrors for the latetest superiority

    reports, is get in volved in anthrpology studies and

    read books like the naked ape by Desmond Morris,

    and the Psychology of Attraction and Imprinting, and

    The Anatomy Of Love by doctor Helen Fisher . . .

    How ironical on a site that's made up of a lot of

    high school and college students, seem to foster

    such primitive and abrasive methods when it comes

    to actually finding out why we act the way we do,

    as though we think so little of our selves that we

    are made for no other purpose than to belittle our

    own images and personality, not to mention getting

    to the point where we have to punish another person

    for being born looking the way they do, how little

    credit we give our ability to choose and yet condem

    other cultures for forcing people to engage in arranged

    relationships, how we are such advocates against

    racisum, and yet put our own race down, or demean

    another person for merely being born with whatever

    they were endowed with, as though we all had a choice

    in coming into this world to begin with . . .

    Nature meant us for a certain purpose, both male

    and female, and we have certain tools that we

    must rely on to get the job done, how sad when

    we look at those tools and see them as weapons

    instead, impliments of destruction of one another,

    all because we don't like what we see in the mirror

    let alone what we see, in each other . . .

  5. Oh, please. I see average looking women with attractive guys all the time. Appearance is not everything. and I'm not even talking about personality, but about the way you carry yourself, charisma, confidence, sexuality (has nothing to do with physical attractiveness). Of course, when you are stunningly beautiful and men turn their heads just when you enter the room is an advantage but there is hardy an ugly woman out there, it all depends on you, if you love yourself, others will love you too (yes, corny, but true).

  6. I agree, it's messed up. If I were an overweight guy, I would not try and go after a girl who is 10 pounds and amazingly beautiful, it's a double standard. And yes! I sadly DO know guys that won't date women unless they are slim, and they are fat themselves!

    Someone needs to give these guys a good reality check.

    Edit: And to JAY D, if I ever saw you in person i'd sure have something to say to you. Women are NOT inferior to men, you idiot. I hate men like you, who are small and lonely and need to put down women to feel better about yourself.

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