
Why can my mum hear the mosquito sound?

by Guest63534  |  earlier

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I heard that the mosquito sound can only be heard by children and not adults then how can my mum hear it? Just to let you know she's not stupid she's a doctor.




  1. i can hear it to

  2. Everyone's range of hearing is different.  It's not necessarily surprising she can hear things.  Sometimes I hear a high whine (like, from a monitor)--it hurts my ears, but no one else around me can usually hear it.

  3. I think telling kids there's a ringtone which only they, and not adults can hear is a marketing gimmick to part the poor fools from their pocket money.

    It's certainly true that many adults who have abused their hearing since being teenagers by listening to loud music will have dulled this sense and will probably be unable to hear the higher frequencies used in this ringtone.

    Most people though, adults included, will have a hearing range which extends well beyond the 7 to 10 kHz frequency of these gimmick ringtones, and hence will be able to hear them.

    My grandfather had his hearing tested at the age of 75 and had a normal threshold of hearing up to 12kHz simply because he looked after his hearing.

  4. I think she means the mosquito NOISE dipsticks..not actual mosquitos...everyone can hear those. The noise that they've started to put near shops to get rid of kids that are loitering because it's high-pictched and painful. It'll be because she's on a different hearing frequency.

  5. Every one that can hear will probably hear a mosquito. I have a hearing problem and can hear a mosquito very well.

  6. she has very good hearing,

    the mosquito noise maker is designed to keep kids from gathering in specific areas. The main thought behind it is that as we get older our hearing deteriorates so adults can't hear it but it annoys children.

    Your mother obviously looked after her hearing and can still hear on a broad range of frequencies.

    edited to add

    Mr Jorrocks, it's not a ringtone, the noisemakers are used for deterring kids from gathering in certain areas, like outside shops etc

  7. i hear mosquitoes, it can be heard.

  8. yeah.. i can hear it too. and i think everybody does, but just when is flying over your ear or close and is silent around

  9. What you heard is considered an "old wives tale".  It is false.  I have severe hearing damage, and I can still hear mosquitoes.

  10. Many adults do hear the mosquito sound; if you don't then ask your mum as she is a doctor.

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