
Why can not we find the cure of AIDS? what the reason? and how do people get cancer?

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i've been wondering about these questions for a long time. if you know the answer please answer this question?





  1. well for one there is no cure for aids yet..... hopefully science will creat it yet... and how ppl can get cancer is see everyone has cancer cells in there body but if the cancer cells get active and the go to a different part of the body it turns in active cancer cells..... but if the cells are not active then there no worrys.... but nothing to stop them and everyone is born with them... i hope that helps

  2. Cancer is an illness that can occur in many different parts of the body, and though there is no known cause for most of these different types of cancer, there are some generally agreed upon possible causes, such as to much UV that causes skin cancer, or tobacco as cause of lung cancer.

    I'm not a doctor, or trained in medicine, but I think causes of cancer usually revolve around damage of the cells in some way, and usually thought to be genetic factors to.  In fact they have actually discovered some genes that cause some types of cancer, such as breast cancer.  Although actually it's really quite complicated; even with gene carriers, it only increases the risk, and it doesn't give a hundred percent chance of being diagnosed with it.

    If you want more info, check out some pages here:

  3. Lmaoooo dere is no cure for aids sry n deres many ways of getin cancer like deres types of cancer like skin cancer u get it from being in da sun too much or breast cancer can be cauzed by wearing your bra too tight u can get in many ways but dere is no cure for aids jus medacine too slow it down x[

  4. Aids is a viral disease, and viruses have no mechanism of their own, that is why they have no movment when they are outside a body, but once they enter the host, the start to use the host's cell, so while killing the virus, the medicine also has to kill our sells, there is cure for aids at the early stages cause less cells are infected, but at later stages, too many cells are infected and that takes your life if you kill all these cells.

    Cancer can happen for many reasons, sometimes, when people dont do anything that causes cancer, people still get cancer, sciencetist are not sure....

  5. This is long, but answers your first question:

    Curing AIDS is generally taken to mean clearing the body of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. The virus replicates (makes new copies of itself) by inserting its genetic code into human cells, particularly a type known as CD4 cells. Usually the infected cells produce numerous HIV particles and die soon afterwards.

    Antiretroviral drugs interfere with this replication process, which is why the drugs are so effective at reducing the amount of HIV in a person’s body to extremely low levels. During treatment, the concentration of HIV in the blood often falls so low that it cannot be detected by the standard test, known as a viral load test.

    Unfortunately, not all infected cells behave the same way. Probably the most important problem is posed by “resting” CD4 cells. Once infected with HIV, these cells, instead of producing new copies of the virus, lie dormant for many years or even decades. Current therapies cannot remove HIV’s genetic material from these cells. Even if someone takes antiretroviral drugs for many years they will still have some HIV hiding in various parts of their body. Studies have found that if treatment is removed then HIV can re-establish itself by leaking out of these “viral reservoirs”.

    A cure for AIDS must somehow remove every single one of the infected cells.

  6. Aids is not just one thing it's a family of viruses and it mutates from person to person. Cancer is another thing altogether.Sometimes cancer runs in familys as a genetic thing and sometimes it can be caused from outside factors, like pollution.

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