
Why can only visit Italy once every 6 months ?

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I left Italy in december and I want to go back in february (as a turist ), but a friend told me that I can only go back in march ? Why do I have to wait three months to go back ? Is that an european policy ?




  1. I guess yr friend has misunderstood.

    If you come to Italy and go back (to the States?) within the 90 days allowed without the VISA release,then you may come back again to Italy also after just 1 day and get a further 90 days period of free staying.

    That's my knowledge, but probably you don't know how fast and often are changing laws and rules here in Italy/Europe.

    Here below I give you the link of the NYC Italian Consulate for more accurate information.

  2. Your friend does not know what he/she is talking about.  I fly back and forth between Italy and the US all the time.

    I think that your friend is referring to the 3 month limit on stays w/in Schengen countries, but you can always leave and return.  Especially to Italy.  In Italy, regulations are generally ignored, especially as they apply to American tourists.

  3. your going to wear out the boot man

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