
Why can people get away with starting war?

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killing a soul under your country to me is is the same is killing for any reason.....

anything is appreciateted. :)




  1. Only if they end up the victors, they do. They don't get away from the blame of starting a war if they end up the vanquished, even if they did not start the war.

  2. Wars are the way humans attempt to resolve conflicts when diplomacy fails.  Doesn't always work.  Killing has never deterred the use of force.  Human life is usually not as highly prized as most people think it is.

  3. if we decided to punish everyone who was involved with starting a war or decided to agree on going to war with another country, every jail is gonna be cramped -like it isn't already!-. cuz if u think about it, theres way too many people related to politics in every country. and war is just a natural human thing, cuz men always NEED to know which rank their country stands and try to bring the big shot down.

  4. unless you are immune to prosecution by the hague war trials court you can't.  

  5. Because we let them, basically, and a lot of people are fed rubbish by the media, such as we are under a threat or whatever by some other country and we have to go to war to protect ourselves, so they dont "get us"

    I agree with you

  6. Why are people able to get away with starting wars?

    More importantly, why do people allow others to start wars?

    People get away with starting a war because it it justified for some reason. For example; the war on terror was started because it appealed to most peoples emotions at the time. Now the war on terror may be one of the worst things that's ever happened to America but it was justified at the time because most people believed a terrorist was responsible for 9/11. If a group of people are blamed for something terrible others will welcome a war against them and allow the instigator to 'get away' with it.

  7. war has been around for as long as germ fighting another.only the germs have gotton bigger.the germs are us

  8. People can get away with it because people are at war with each other on all levels of society.  If we don't get along with our neighbors, if we get into conflict with each other at the drop of a hat and about the most trivial, mundane things, then we will manifest conflict at every level.  We will choose leaders who will manifest conflict domestically and internationally.  We won't stand up for what's right in regard to war if we're not doing so in even the smallest aspects of our daily lives.  One doesn't stand up for the solution when one is part of the problem.

    If we are so inconsiderate to our own families, our own children, whom we love so much, how can we create a peaceful world?  If we abuse our own selves so badly, how are we going to treat strangers?

  9. War is the history of our world and of human beings.  People get away with it because they have their populace in support of their ideologies.

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