
Why can people play little kid games and?

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make more money than people that work 4 a living. football baseball soccer golf swimming racing cars motorcycles on feet any game build a house and b poor play a game and be rich




  1. It's supply and demand, and is perfectly normal in a capitalist economy.

    Sports are a big business. A single game can sell millions of dollars in advertising, millions of dollars worth of tickets and concession sales, and of course there is the merchandise. Every team wants the best players, even if it means paying them a multi-million dollar contract, because they will get more viewers and make more money overall.

    It's not easy to be one of those players. You would have to be the best of the best in high school, to get into a good college team, and be the best of the best in college to get drafted to a pro team. Even then, most drafted players are only around for one season. To get to the highest paying spots on the team, you need to get drafted, then be the best of the best of the pros. This assumes that you don't get any career ending injuries along the way. It's a very low probability that you will make it big, just like any other entertainment job.

    As far as builders, again it's supply and demand. There are a lot of people out there who are capable of building a house, but only so many houses being built. With the current downturn in housing, there is very little demand for new houses. Right now, building houses isn't that vital to our country, since everyone has some sort of rood over their head, besides people who are homeless for other reasons. It's not like people are living on the streets because there aren't enough houses; many houses are actually vacant right now.

  2. Well if someone thinks something is entertaining they will sometimes pay to watch it, like when someone loves football.

  3. because most jobs where you 'work' are a business: you are working for someone else who is trying to pay you as little as they can, in order to increase THEIR income. you are completely replaceable to them, so you put up with it in hopes of being promoted.

    in the entertainment industry, its the exact opposite. you find people who want you to perform, and tell them that you wont unless they pay you some ridiculous amount of money. you are irreplaceable, so they comply.

    both systems are a little corrupt, but thats human nature.

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