
Why can "minorities" have clubs for themselves but I can't?

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I'm going to University in Canada and at my school there are a few groups like "Muslim Student Association" and "Chinese Student Association" however I find no white or nordic or caucasian or whatever you want to call it group. Not even on the online and smaller groups. Also I have seen East-Indians wear these white shirts that say in black "Punjabi Power". It actually kinda pisses me off. I would be crucified for wearing a white power shirt to school or for that matter down the street. So what gives other races the right to have clubs while my race is not allowed. Seems unfair to me and in the area I live I am a minority so what qualifies a minority anyway.




  1. I totally agree, it pisses me off too.

    I always hear about asians, blacks, and latinos being so proud of their heritage...why the f*ck can't we be?

    Haha my and my friend Frances always say "white power!" every time we see each other. It's pretty funny. That's only because Caucasians are a minority where I live. There are SO many racist kids in my school...

  2. I suppose it is unfair but becasue of history and the stuff white people have done in the past its not possible for you to do it. coz thats what everyone looks at. and if you look at it, there's no reason for white people to say, 'white power'. you guys ARE in power-you're everywhere, media and most 1st world countries are run by white men or women.

    on the other hand, we minorities are discriminated against and have no power or hardly any say so we try to feel proud within ourselves by doing these things.

  3. I implore you to start a club so I don't have to hear you whine about it anymore.  No one is stopping you.  My guess is you don't really want one, but you don't want anyone else to have one either.

  4. and yall say blacks complain too much

  5. yeah u can.  they even let me start my "girls in dog collars" club at the university.

    here is the reason for this.  minorities are often seperated from other minorities growing up so this is their chance to become better familiarlized with their "natural" community to build self identity and character.  whites are a majority so in most places, you've already been given that community.  i wouldn't be surprised that if you changed the name to say "german club" or "irish club" they would let you because it's a more specific group rather than clumping a entire race there.

  6. I perfectly understand your question. I think the main thing is, you live in a country where whites and white culture predominate hence no need to have/wear those white power things, even though you live in a free country and you should be free to wear/have it.

  7. You have every right to start up a Caucasian / European club.

    ignore the crazy , PC   hypocrites.

  8. Try this link.

  9. you can you just have to hide your real club name like n**i could stand for national assimilation of independents or klan for kleptomaniac libertarian American nation. [sarcasm]

  10. You do have a club.

    It is called White Male.

    Get over yourself.

  11. well, at my university, we have Womenspace. a place for all women to hang out. but we dont have a menspace. Now, i am female, and i find this slightly weird, why cant men have menspace? although i would hate to see the mess it gets into... heheh

    but yes, I agree, for some reason white are considered to have nothing really to be proud of,

    and i guess if youre a majority, you can find lots of other people just like you, but minorities need a club or something to unite them altogether, so that they can hang out with people similar

  12. I remember thinking about that when i first went to college and i saw the amazing amount of ethnic clubs and caucuses.

    You're right, you can't start a white power club.  Just deal with it, there is nothing you can do about it.  I find it hilarious though that thousands come to school and hundreds of ethicities can all mix and learn and thrive...yet some need to hide away in little rooms surrounded only by "their own."  

    I know just as many ethnic people who hated the clubs as much as the average white dude.  Get over it, go have fun and be yourself.

  13. Chinese (ethnicity) and Muslim (religion) are entirely different from caucasion which is a race..Why dont you just start an Irish or German club; something of your heritage..

  14. I hear ya!  First of all it's not that you can't - You can!  I think most white people complain about this issue, but that's as far as it goes.  It's merely a question.  If you really wanted to create a 'white power club' you could after all this is America the land of the free.  As Hilary Clinton said this is where people are always defying the odds.

  15. Because all the other clubs are white, join them ant stop complaining. Or just start your white power club and get a beat down! kkk much?

    Addi tonally, where I'm form white people show pride in their heritage all the time. We have a Oktoberfest that celebrates the Germans heritage, a Ireland Festival, The Italians have a little something in another state though, and also a Renaissance festival. Do some research in your community and find out some things you may be surprised.

  16. Hey, do you go to Waterloo by any chance? (judging by your username).

    I'm not white but I actually agree with you. If you look down the list of student clubs at Waterloo (my university) or most other universities in Ontario, most of them are for a particular race/ethnic group/religion. It's harder to find clubs that aren't for an ethnic group. There are clubs that tend to attract whites but aren't explicitly listed as such - ex. there are those for an European nationality like Polish or Ukrainian (in practice they're just a group of people getting drunk rather than celebrating any heritage, from what I've heard) or things like a St. Patrick's Day party which in practice only attract white students. But all of this is beyond the point - people shouldn't hang out with others just because of ethnicity.

    I think that universities (and high schools) in general tend to attract people who segregate themselves - in some places it's ethnicity, other places it's jocks vs. geeks or frats. But I think it's also the style of "multiculturalism" in the Toronto area (and hence most of the student body at Waterloo). I've been in groups where people seem to joke about each others' ethnicity by saying things like "you should sit where the brown people are" at a lunch or "you Chinese people hook each other up for jobs but we Tamils can't" and the other party seems to think it's normal. Or maybe not ... I'm a "minority" but I attended a high school still in the Toronto area where 90% of students were white, so I don't really understand that way of thinking about other nationalities. But this is what I've experienced.  

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