
Why can sense I'm going to die in the near future?

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Over the past year I've had a strong feeling that I'm not going to live for much longer. I don't know what it is that's making me feel this way. I have just never been able to picture myself in the future...getting married or having children seems out of the question and it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to picture it!

I always mention it to my Mum and it worries her. No one really believes it (and I don't blame them because I sound like a lunatic) but I really do not think I'm going to be alive for much longer. I always picture my funeral too.

I'm not depressed or anything. Overall I have a really good life with great family and friends.

What could this mean?




  1. i feel the same way. i think its something we will just have to live with and not think about. cant waste time on what ifs

  2. I was so certain I was going to die before I turned 30 that I didn't even plan my future beyond that point! Well... I'm way past that point now, and I realize that those feelings are just that, and nothing more. Get on with your life, my dear, and live each day to the fullest! Don't waste any more time fretting over this, because you're just losing out on valuable time you could be spending enjoying your life, as opposed to dreading your death! Your time will come when it's ready, just like everyone else's. We all anticipate it at some time or another, but that doesn't mean it's going to hurry it along. No one could have been surer of their early demise than me... and I'm still here!

  3. It's probably nothing.  A couple of years ago I really felt like I was going to die young, but I was going through hard stuff then.  Once I got through the hard stuff, that feeling went away.  Now I feel like I'll live to be a blue-haired old lady rockin' the wheelchair in the nursing home at 90!

    At the same time, it can't hurt to pause and think about whether there is anything in your life that could turn out to be dangerous.  If you can't think of anything, it's probably just one of those feelings that happens for no reason.

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