
Why can some women eat and not gain a bit of weight?

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My friend Delia eats so much but never gains weight. Once we thought she was sick, but she's not. She never gains weight though. Look at her pictures and tell me if you think she looks unhealthy.

P. S.

I am not as small as her. But I had to workout to get my body down from almost 240 to 140, it took me a while to do that, nearly 2 years. And I also have to eat right. She doesn't do much of anything.




  1. It's genetics, life isn't fair. But you know what? You worked hard, and you disciplined yourself and succeeded.  Just accept it and keep working hard, losing 100 pounds is an incredible accomplishment.

  2. actually it is metabolism and other things

    like different amounts of steriods made by our bodies along with the amount of exercise we get

    someone with lower metabolism of course requires more exercise

  3. Shes asian there always skinny hard to find a big one.

  4. Genetics. That's why I get sick of seeing people on here being so self righteous toward  over weight people just because they have never had to struggle with a weight problem.

  5. Nice picture of Daniel. :) Yes, she is very skinny. Not unhealthy, just lucky. My husband is the same way. He can lose 10 pounds without trying. He eats tons of junk food and sandwiches, and I like you, I have to struggle to lose a pound a week. Some people are just lucky I guess.

  6. that's the same with me too. i've always had the same question but didnt wanna waste 5 points to ask lol.

  7. They are just lucky, I guess.

  8. Metabolism. I have a guy friend who can eat anything he wants and lose weight.

  9. Scientist have discovered a thing called brown fat, that burns calories.  It's not something you eat, its just that some people have a higher percentage of this brown fat on their bodies, and no matter how much they eat, their metabolism just raises to burn off the extra calories.  

    It is just hereditary.  

    If there was a famine, the brown fat people would just die off...

  10. "Genetics. That's why I get sick of seeing people on here being so self righteous toward over weight people just because they have never had to struggle with a weight problem."

    Haha, why is there such an idiosyncrasy of 'genetic disposition' of over weight people in this country? That's a h**l of a coincidence don't you think 6666?

  11. High metabolism maybe.

  12. yeah i am like that. i always have been so are all my family. none of us workout and both me and my mum look exactly the same after having a baby as before without doing anything. i eat lots of junk food but have a fast metabolism

  13. thas like me. The most I ever weighed was 135 in h.s but that was cuz it was my first yr in boarding school. by the end of my first yr i was eating a med pizza every sunday BY MYSELF! lol. Just got weighed today 124... I'm 5'6 1/2. I dont mind days I'm bigger... it is what it is.  My younger sis eats less than me, but shes bigger than me... genetics? i dunno. Congrats on the weight loss. Pic looks great!

  14. It's her genes and her age...I used to be like that in my teens and early 20's, but my metabolism slowed down as I got a bit older (I'm 25)...My mom was the exact same way when she was 17, but now she has to watch her weight now that she's older.

    I find that younger girls have higher metabolisms, but weight gain can hit them hard when they're not looking as they get older.

  15. Faster metabolism.

    *I just looked after I read Pyar's post.  Oh that girl looks just awful!  I totally agree with his assessment: that's anorexia.

  16. everyone has a different metabolism ... and most people's metabolism slows with age .

       The girl in picture looks anorexic... not healthy.

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