
Why can they come in my friends house and arrest him for looking at shared music files?

by  |  earlier

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He shared music dowloading music and they found that 6 files were opened by him ((him thinking he was sharing music files))) and he has been in jail for 1 week now with a Bond of 100,000 . and he is listed as a s*x offender. He has never been in trouble in the past either, except 1 Traffic ticket. We live in Phoenix, Arizona. Any help please???




  1. Sounds like the FBI raided his house?  Was he under surveillance?  Once anyone has a criminal record he's easy bait for future investigations if he's a suspect in a crime.

    It's none of my business but I would never have anything to do with a s*x offender.  That is just too creepy.

  2. There has to be more to the story.There is no way.

  3. In your backward little country that is illegal.  When one does something illegal one gets punished.  Is that so difficult to comprehend.

  4. Er...'cos he committed a felony?

    Sounds like your boy got pinched for child p**n and is telling you it was for downloading music files.

  5. I suspect they had a warrant.  Also I suspect he was downloading child p**n and not music files.  If he is your friend you probably know the true answer to this..

  6. I recommend that you start interviewing criminal defense attorneys immediately and hire the one that you think will do the best job for you and your friend.

    If your friend is being help on $100,000 bail and is accused of being a s*x offender I would say that there is much more to this than what you have told us.

    Your friend needs a criminal defense  attorney now!!!

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