
Why can they track a car but they can't track a child?

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Why are the children least important than a car - isn't there technology available now? Shouldn't parents be more aggressive in finding technology to keep their children safe from predators?




  1. If you read the papers you will find that possessions are more important than our children in the eyes of the justice system!!

    When a paedophile is released after 3yrs after ruining children's lives, thugs who happy slap and stab get hardly any time in prison yet car thieves and burglars are dealt with more severely.

    Life in prison should mean life - we need to make our streets safe once more.

  2. I was just talking about this today. Why can't they like micro chip your children like they do to dogs and cats. I'm serious. Because that would be great for finding runaways and missing children. They should invent that. =]

  3. I know they were trying to do and figure out a way to get something like that but I know it was thrown out very fast and the liberal and democrats freaked out saying it was a privacy violation and it was invading space and boundaries. I personally am totally for something like that. It sure would help with all the kidnappings and rapists. A very proactive thing. I believe in the my house my rules thing. If it ever becomes legal I am first in line to get my kids on it!!

  4. there are ways.

  5. Yes there is, there are gps phones, gps watches, and gps jackets.

  6. kids dont have liscence plates

  7. It's bad enough now that not enough parents keep a close eye on their kids. If you put little chips in all the kids then parents will never watch their kids, the'll take advantage of the chip.

    How about we don't do a GPS chip and parents just start being more responsible! Yeaaaa there's an idea!

  8. Because cars are bigger.  It is difficult and expensive to miniaturize the tracking technology down to a size that is practical for a child.  

    It is difficult to have a child wear a tracking device all the time.

    Battery life is an issue.  The device has to be charged regularly, and batteries wear out.  

    Expense is an issue.  Most families don't have the discretionary income to pay for it.  In fact, most people don't have gps on their cars, either.

    You asked if parents should find technologies to keep their children safe from predators, but tracking technology does not keep kids safe from predators.  You only start tracking them AFTER they have disappeared, when they are in the hands of a predator.    It may help recover them more quickly, but it doesn't keep them from being abducted.  The best way to keep kids safe is to go at it from several angles.  Kids should have close supervision and avoid situations that might put them at risk.  We can focus on keeping known offenders off our streets or at least keeping track of them, screening people who work around kids to make sure they don't have a history that makes them unsuitable, passing laws to make places where lots of kids congregate safe, like having a checkpoint at the entrance, helping families afford reliable childcare, and there are many other things that can be done.  

    It would be nice if there was a magic bracelet that would keep kids safe, but it isn't that simple.   A successful predator is going to have wirecutters.

  9. I'm not so sure that I would want a chip implanted into my child.  I feel that good parenting will suffice.

  10. Because human beings in many countries would like to avoid the type of fascist control you are suggesting. Putting lojack in a car is one thing...but imbedding some sort of tracking device into a human being is entirely unethical and downright offensive. It's about a little thing called privacy! Do you really want the government knowing where you are every single second of every day? And the amount of danger that that type of system could actually create is immeasurable. It would in fact do MORE harm than good, and make us all (including your children) less safe.

    A better option is to be more vigilant in supervising your children. Know who they are with and where they are. True, it is physically impossible to know where your children are every second of every day, but if you are a responsible and alert parent, you can rest assured that they are most likely safe. Also, make sure your children know what to do in case of an emergency and teach them strategies for situations involving strangers.

    Trust me, technology is great but it cannot take the place of human interactions and real-life precautions. Nobody will enjoy a world where the government uses technology to invade every aspect of an individual's life. Liberty is too precious...

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