
Why can we bomb Serbia but Russia cannot Georgia?

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NATO and the US bombed Serbia for months disregarding its territorial integrity. What is the difference between that and Russia doing the same in Georgia?

We were "protecting" the Kosovars, who were in outright rebellion against the Serbs; the Russians are "protecting" the South Ossetians and Abhkazians, who have been at war with Georgia for decades now.

Then we use the International community arguments to differentiate situations.

Israel has not recognized one UN resolution in 40 years, we do not sanction it, quite the contrary

Why such a double standard?




  1. I asked something like that some time ago.;...;...

    And to answer your question, it's all about financial and political interests. All the other claims about "freedom", "protection of human rights" etc almost always serve as excuses only, as the "marketing package" of unlawful actions.

  2. The only reason I can figure out for this is "might is right".

    And indeed, as far as I know, Abkhazians are a georgian tribe who want a separate independent state, and obviously don't want to be a puppet of the White House. And they are no less Georgian then Suck...'s wife or one of his advisers who was his ambassador to Israel and made propaganda-using "n***s Vs. Jews"-against Russia (who lost millions of its citizens when n***s massacred them), and nobody thinks of taking legal measures against him over Holocaust denial.

    As a Jew, I know how much Jerusalem is important to Jews. But it would be only fair should Israel be warned that it can have Jerusalem only if it restrains its media and the comments that are published (many comments, which are not "politically correct" aren't published by the Israeli media) regarding KOSMET, which is as importent to Serbia as Jerusalem is to Jews.

  3. why can russia attack afghanistan and the US cant??? why can iraq invade kuwait and the US cant invade iraq?????

    read history.

  4. that's an awfully good question. the only answer i can come up with is that whatever went on down there is still a bit hazy and confusing. we're not 100% sure who's in the right and who's in the wrong, if there are even black and white sides. I also believe that Russia is trying to hinder or stop altogether, Georgia's attempt to join NATO. That would make Georgia more independent and Russia still sees many of the old Soviet Union areas as russia's.

    talking of double standards, we also have one with Cuba and china. i know we depend far more heavily on china for trade but we have made no efforts to reclaim some of their production, while we are strictly refusing direct cuban trade...i guess people need clothes more than cigars, but still.

  5. Russia isn't even bombing Georgia. GEORGIA with the help of the US Military (aka "Freedom Fighters") is bombing GEORGIA and committing genocide on a level not seen since the n**i death camps. Russia is doing its best to keep the peace and to keep its own citizens (who are visiting Georgia) from being killed by Georgian and American troops.

  6. There is only ONE rule in international relationships:  Big fish eat little fish.  

  7. You forgot Iraq...

  8. Where has there not been double standards in international politics? If you are searching for cosmic justice in this field, you are way lost ;)

    Where ever you find USA mentioned, you will find the much known trick or treat gameplay with the same rules which change accordingly.

    There is no reason to compare Georgia with Serbia whatsoever. Georgia is Georgia and Serbia is Serbia. Simple as that.

  9. Because US thinks it has right given by God to devide, rule and punish.

    US has no ideology, but interests. Mainly oil and other important goods. US and EU needs Russia not as partner, but as puppet.

    Here is a problem that Russia would not like to play this role further.

  10. Isn't it obvious?USA is the Third Reich of the modern age.

  11. I hope you are indeed a US citizen. That gives hope that the noble and informed Americans have not disappeared.

  12. I don't see the thousands of dead bodies of the Kosovars that the Serbians murdered.  

    I find it hysterical that Russia is encouraging a breakaway province in another country that they have the right to their own sovereignty (not really, Russia won't allow that) when the USSR for decades murdered and coerced nations into being under Soviet domination.  

    Kosovo was about human rights.  Georgia is about a pipeline.  

    Edit:  I agree with you entirely about Darfur.  I think since have done it before, we should be protecting the black Muslims in Darfur (well, now many are in Chad).  We DO provide substantial humanitarian assistance but we must do more.

  13. Oh yes. UN (meaning USA) protected Kosovar Albanians so they could massacre the Serbs under "legal" cover. Byzantine churches and monasteries were burnt down, and Serbian nuns were violated under the eyes and the blessing of the UN forces.

    Though, Kosovo was due to become independent because that's how USA, CIA and the financial interests behind them decided. Albanians are very promising allies, while Serbs were always hard to handle.

    In Bosnia the UN provided Bosnians with weapons, under the coverage of humanitarian aid (probably that's what the USA are doing now with Georgia) and cooperated with muslim guerrillas from various countries that the USA define as "terrorists", just to cause the defeat of Serbia.

    So, what is right or wrong is being decided in the White House and its Dark Courtyard.

    And coming to the very point, S. Ossetia and Abhazia are deemed (by the USA) to remain part of Georgia just because the hawks of war need more space to establish their NATO missiles on.

    Their instrument, Saakashvili is working on that (at the time left from his interviews).

  14. It's called US foreign policy.

    It has nothing to do with justice or human rights.

    Double standards are required.

    I am surprised how some people still believe in human rights fairy tale.

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