
Why can we not leave negative anymore??????

by  |  earlier

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i have used ebay for years but i heard you can no longer leave negative feedback cos people were leaving it for retaliation of neg received. is this true???? if this is the case i will not use ebay anymore as looking at neg f/b was what made me decide weather to bid on an item. i.e if the item was delivered on time, any faults, packaging ect ect... i have lost loads of money over the years with items not being delivered even though paid through paypal. they can not refund money unless the con person has money in their paypal account. having negative fb gave me a little assurance as to whether to buy from the seller. wot do you think and will it effect you using ebay???




  1. I don't think it could be right, cos I left a neg for someone the other day! lol

    But yeh I wouldnt use ebay either if this is the case... There are alot of con artists on there!

    I have never lost any money but had lots of bad experiences on there thats for sure!

  2. You can still leave neg feedback. It is true, though, about the retaliatory negative, but you can still give a neg if you want.

  3. I don't use it, I don't trust that, but talking to people they say you can, but you have to be nice about it.

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