
Why can we not transfer clean water to ares that need it when we can transfer oil.?

by Guest63816  |  earlier

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Why can we not transfer clean water to ares that need it when we can transfer oil.?




  1. Lol.. We can but the distributors would rather tank it up to holiday destinations cos they get more money by the bottle.. Its most rainy countries biggest unreported export.

    In UK i could run my tap for ten minutes and would be charged a set rate/ nominal fee - in Spain the equivalent would cost me about 20 quid.

  2. Its a matter of quantities and value. Oil costs currently around 66US$ a barrel. If you were prepared to pay that much for the same amount of water you would find any number of people willing to ship it to you. Hey give me a call and I'll sell you water at that price!  Trouble is people dont want to pay that kind of money for water, they want it at very much lower prices. So that kind of limits how far you can economically ship it or pipe it. To make it worse, for every barrel of oil people use they probably go through 100 or even a 1000 barrels of water. So the amounts are a lot bigger. It would take a lot of tankers to bring enough water in to suply even one city the size of London say. Not very practical. And if the inhabitants dont want to pay big bucks for it then its not worth doing.

    Let Government pay for it you say, sure and they get the money by raising your taxes. There is no escape if it costs more, you will pay more.

  3. We could, but it wouldn't be big business so no one will fund it and the ares that need it can't afford to do it (or their corrupt governments won't do it)

  4. We could transfer water easily, unfortunately it would cost too much.

    Oil can be transported because it is profitable, the areas which need water tend to be unable to pay for pipelines or tankers.

    There is also the problem of where the water comes from. If there is a shortage of water in one area then the surrounding areas are unlikely to have plentiful supplies and wont want to give it to someone else so the water would often have to be transported long distances.

  5. There's no money to made.

  6. all about money and profit res...

  7. Its a matter of poor engineering. Water is not rare and its a shame that good engineering is not being used anywhere on the planet to get clean water to where it can be used such as the dry areas of Earth.

  8. it pays better

  9. Why should we transfer it, when we can purify it on location?

    It's not that there's not a solution.

    It's that there's no one willing or able to enact that solution.

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