
Why can we only see ghosts sometimes?

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I have been researching the paranormal for 3 years now and i want to hear some opinions on why can we only see ghosts once in a while? Why can't we see all of them 24/7? Do the ghosts choose to let us see them? Does it depend on how sensitive you are? I have only seen 4 ghosts in my lifetime and I am just curious on ppl's opinions on this question. Why do you think we can only see ghosts once in a while? and why do we rarely see them when we are actually looking for them?

Thankz in advance





  1. I think they are always there but we only see them when our minds are most open and this is why children see ghosts alot.

  2. Let me first start off by saying that everyone has the potential to see a spirit. Maybe that will happen once just briefly or it could happen many times, but the thing to remember is that everyone can see them given the right factors.

    Why only some people will see a ghost in a certain location can be explained in many ways but let me put it in simple real world terms that most people will understand. Let's pretend you and two friends are in the woods and you all have AM/FM radios with you. You are all standing side by side and each of you is trying to tune in a very weak signal from some small radio station. Your one friend has a great radio and they easily tune in the station clearly. Your other friend has an average model radio and they can get the signal briefly but it is filled with static. Your radio is the cheap model and you cannot get the station tuned in at all. Even though you are all standing next to each other and trying to tune in the same station you are getting three different results. Now picture each person as a "radio" that can "receive" the signals that a spirit is transmitting. One person may get the spirits signal string and they will see the spirit. The next person is not as tuned in and they may see something briefly but they may not be able to make out all the details. The third person cannot receive the spirit's signal at all and will not see anything. Hopefully this gives you an idea of how this tends to work. Each person is actually a receiver of the signals or energy that a spirit gives off. Sometimes the signal can be tuned in and other times in cannot.

    There are varying conditions that may interfere with the spirits "radio signal" and may only let people with really good "radios" see them. We call these people sensitives or psychics. They are able to tune in more often to the spirits and see, hear, feel, etc. the signal and energy the spirit is sending. Some locations may make some people more sensitive than other locations and they will see something in just those places while they will see nothing in others. Sometimes even the people who have the "cheap radio" can get a brief signal tuned in and that is what happens when someone who has never seen anything all of a sudden has their once in a lifetime ghost sighting. Some of the things that can make our ability to receive these signals are our relation to the spirits, how comfortable we are in a location and our frame of mind at the time, etc. For example many people just see the spirits in their home and no where else. This is where the person is probably the most relax and comfortable and that will raise their ability to receive the signals. If the spirit is a relative or a friend you are already on that "frequency" so you will be more likely to be able to tune into that spirit.

  3. I think it's open to interpretation.

    IMO we see them more than we want to believe

    I think we brush them off as hair in our face, shadows, a breeze making things move, etc.... you know, that "thing" in the corner of our eye.

    I don't know if I've ever actually seen one (reasons like I stated) but I have experienced them... thats a fact.

  4. It does seem the ghosts have the upper hand--they decide when to appear and cannot be summoned. Having already lived, and then adapted to a realm we know almost nothing about, they are likely 'smarter' than us.

  5. Maybe it's simply difficult for them to do it, and maybe some are better at it than others.

    I think we are mistaken if we assume "ghosts" are suddenly all knowing and all powerful once they died.

  6. the reason is that if you watch ghost hunters on sci fi channel ghosts have a electrical power and can make a magnetic feild around the area and since out brains have a electical charge,the ghost shows its self to you through your mind some people may not believe it but i am an expet at the super natural and if you have half of the sixth sence you can only get small detals of the ghosts as i have like a 7th sence but it is like im possest in some way which gives me a littel bite of super-human strength, hearing, and tada the ability to see ghosts and to feel there presance

    srry if i gave you to much info

  7. Good question because if they were really there you'd think you'd be spotting them all the time.

    The reason you do not see ghosts all the time is because there are none there to see, the reason you see them occasionally is because sometimes you are half asleep or there is an unexplained shadow or you think you see something out of the corner of your eye and your mind interprets these images or ideas as being a ghost.

  8. You probably don't see them with your eyes closed, so thus, you can't see them all the time, or your eyes would dry out and you would go blind.  Then you wouldn't be able to see them at all.

  9. It all depends on your third eye, if it's working. Usually if the ghost or spirit wants you to see they connect to one of your senses. And some people are more sensitive, and open which allows that third eye to work more freely. If I don't see them, usually I can feel their presence. The only one that actually basically seeks up on me is my spirit guide since she has always been with me. We are use to those spirits that were always around us. But is a different spirits comes near, your not use to it's presence so it feels stronger. So basically if your sensitive your third eye would most likely work more freely. Mine even works while I sleep, it amazing that one can see and communicate while still asleep.

    Four ghost is pretty good compared to most people~ ~

  10. Not all spirit have the power to become a full apparition... And for some it takes a long time to gain the power to fully appear in a manner that allows human eyes to witness their presences..... Now compared to the eyes of an animal well we are on the very low end of that totem pole.......

  11. Because sometimes we are sober.

  12. Okay this is going to be just a matter of opinion and no one has the exact answer. We all have our own opinion about this so here is mine.:

    I think some people are born with the veil that separates our realm and the realm of ghosts thin so they are going to be the ones we label sensitive or mediums psychics etc.

    The rest of us see them when they want us to or when they do not know the are dead. sometimes both. My ghost experience I was told by a ghost to get out of his house, so I assume he wanted me to see him so he did whatever ghosts do in order for us to see them.

    There are many theories on why we do not see full body apparitions often and since you have researched this for three years you know that the main theory is it takes a lot of energy for ghosts to appear in full body form. Honestly, I am not sure i buy that anymore, but that is the main theory. I do have to admit that my experiences back up that theory since I too have had very few encounters.

    But the first encounter was enough to force me from being a skeptical unbeliever to a true believer.


  13. I believe that ghosts choose to let us see them. If there is enough energy a ghost can materialize as well.

    I have seen only one.

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