
Why can you dis politics but not religion

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Why can you dis politics but not religion




  1. this is something that has been bothering me. SO good question.

    a simple sentence can answer your question. And I hope you'll "pardon my French (no insult to French people!)"


    Oh, you hurt my feelings using a "word".

    Well let me let you in on a little secret, World!

    Words are incorporeal manifestations of "feelings". Dammit, how does that hurt someone? It just doesn't make sense to me. I bet in 1865 or 1945 people didn't care as much. But today's excessive "apologies" and reimbursements for slavery and what are really pissing me off. Jeez, how can someone get hurt by sound waves? How can someone be "emotionally scarred" by something that didn't happen to them!!!

    We as a society are too apologetic, and eager to please. We're like puppies. Big, ugly, dumb puppies.

  2. People do dis Religion. The only religion people seem to be attacking is Christianity while us Christians are expected to take.

    it's not ok to slam a religion that murders, dismembers, and tortures their followers and innocent people.

    Political Correctness is ruining America.

    "The religion of pieces" is who people need to attack.  

  3. because you are more likely to be hated hurt or worse from  religion  but nor politics

  4. You can. Yahoo is just too lowly and spineless.  

  5. Because Politicians are thick skinned and almost impossible to offend.

    Religious fanatics on the other hand are very very touchy, especially the ones that our Government seems to be afraid of upsetting.

  6. that's why we keep them separate

    because if they were mixed, you coulnt diss politics, either

    and scumbags would have perfect cover

  7. Because politicians are almost universally acknowledged as being dishonest, shallow, ill-educated and eager for power at any cost.

    Religion, being something that people believe connects them to the divine

    is close to their idea of self. Being precious and personal it effects them

    more if it is dissed.

  8. I think it's because people take their religion to heart, while politics are often seen as subjective.  While there may be several ways to balance a budget, many people unfortunately assume that their religion is absolutely, unequivocally the truth.

  9. I think religion is a personal thing, and some people may religion (its not just a belief but  a way of life) a huge part of their way of life so to effectivley "dis" their religion you are i suppose in effect "dissing" the way they live their life.

  10. People are generally brought up within a religion and theirs is the right one. Politics is a freedom of choice.

  11. you can, it is done all the time.

  12. Dis?

    WTF kind of language is that?

    In the UK and EU you are free to say whatever you like so long as it is not TREASON or TERROR THREATS.  

  13. YOu can "diss" on religion.  Of course, if it turns out they wound up getting the right one, that would be a most awkward situation when your turn before God came up...

  14. because i've never heard of a politician blowing themselves up and killing innocent civilians.

  15. because religious people in general tend to be a lot more unstable than political people

    thats why theyre religious people

  16. Because deep down all men and women hate politicians no matter what party. But all men and women like at least one person who is a member of some religious group.  

  17. Anymore the line between the two are blurred.  It seems that religion has not place in politics and yet so much of our politics are influenced by religion.  At this time if you are dissing politics, in part you are dissing religion.

  18. Hahaha Great Question!

    Because Politics can be changed and improved, but the word of God, nooooooooouuuuu, therefore Religion, is way to perfect to need or allow any corrections by human people!

    They might be right actually, I do think sometimes!

    Just kiding.

    Yes Religion can be dissed and have been dissed throught the world.

    Look at what Stalin did to religion. He outlawed it!

    So much literature has been written against religion, and therefore it has been dissed in deed.

    Those days no one is safe from dissing! Not even the Queen! Poor woman allways on smoking weed jokes and stuf, but of jokes!

    Uh! Lifeeee!

  19. becuase Religion its what wars are made of.

  20. Ah, but for the religious right wing neocon republicans, there IS no difference between religion and politics.  When you dis one, you dis them both.

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