
Why can you notice that someone is spanish only seeing his face?

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Why can you notice that someone is spanish only seeing his face?




  1. I'm blond and with blue eyes, I'm Spanish but live in England, and before I even say a word, some people already know I'm Spanish, Bizarre!

  2. hehe, when my sister went to Spain, without her saying a word,one person said that she'd brought the weather with her cos they knew she was English just by looking.

    Darkish complexion and deep brown eyes probably do it :)

  3. I do not think that is true, because I live in a multicultural city and sometimes I get confused.

  4. Yup we come on all colors!

  5. Natural are smart :)

  6. Mexicans have a very distinctive look.  They are direct decendants of American Indians.

    Oh sorry, I see now  that you were talking about real Spaniards.

  7. Not all people of a Spanish background have the stereotyped Spanish look.

  8. actually you cant.

    a lot of people think i'm spanish and i have nothing to do with spain

  9. I guess the only people who can really tell is the spanish themselves and Mestizos from latin america.

    The only possible connection i see (in the mirror i guess) is the moor heritage. most spaniards would look fairly similar (a bit whiter maybe) to north african types like the moroccans. I get people talking to me in arab often (i'm a colombian 'mestizo' but not really one at it- direct spanish descent- more like a 'criollo').

  10. Sometimes you can do it. But more than the face is the attitude and behavior.

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