
Why can you only be sedated for dentistry every 6-8 weeks?

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Why can you only be sedated for dentistry every 6-8 weeks?




  1. Simple:  They use nitrous oxide, which can be toxic if you get too much (a lot of things are toxic if you get too much -- alcohol, carbon monoxide, Vitamin A, etc.).   It takes roughly 4-6 weeks for the nitrous to get out of your system, depending on your age and size, so for safety reasons they bumped it up to 6-8 weeks.

  2. Because sedation is bad for your health. If you go under too often you will get sick. Common sense really.

  3. this is because you cannot be sedated too often or the body may become disfunctional and or you can risk complications which i do not currently know.

  4. There is  a general fear of "build up" of the chemicals in your body, the ones used for the sedation, they want to make sure that they have been flusehd from your body, so 6/8 weeks is usually more than enough. Now it all depends on the person, you canm be tested and in my case the chemicals did not stay for more that 3 weeks, so I had my dental procedura done every month.

    Hope this helps you out.


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