
Why can you receive a perfect picture from analog TV but switch to DTV and can't pick up the same station?

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I live in a rural area. I have bought 2 different types of digital converter boxes(one was suppose to be the strongest on the market) and a brand new long range antenna w/rotor. Why is it on analog you have a perfect picture but if you switch to digital you can't get the station? Why would one signal be received but another not?




  1. during the current transition period, the FCC has allowed some stations to run their DTV at reduced power. when the analog is cut-off next year, the DTV should be increased to full power. Many stations are suffering financially and simply don't have the resources to operate a full second (DTV) transmitter.

  2. I sure hope, for your sake, that your new long range antenna is a UHF antenna and not a VHF antenna that provided good Analog signals.  You have to understand that an Analog signal can be received when it is a weak signal up to a strong signal.  There is no picture with a weak Digital signal or even a signal under 65%.  You will either get a picture or you don't.  In a rural area, you have to have a high gain antenna with a pre-amp and pointed in the direction of the station transmitting towers.  The antenna should be preferably mounted on the roof of your home away from objects that could block the signal.  If your DTV Converter Boxes have the capability of monitoring your signal strength, verify that it reads at least 65% above per the scale or until the picture is steady, in order to get a decent picture and not a broken pixel picture or no picture at all.  good luck

    Added info:

    Which is it, a UHF pre-amp or a VHF pre-amp?  Can't read your mind.  Once again, the VHF analog stations do not come in on the same frequencies as the Digital stations.  They are located on the UHF band from ch. 14 to 69. Your analog stations coming in clear have nothing to do with the digital stations at all.  Separate entity altogether.  My ch. 2 (analog) is my ch. 60 digital.  Forget about the "CLEAR" analog station, concentrate on the missing Digital station in the UHF band!!!

    2nd added note:  I talked to the station chief engineers last week on a couple of our stations (75 miles away) and they said that once they conclude the transmission of analog signals, the power for the analog transmission will be diverted to the digital signals.  Don't know if this will apply to all stations, but this is in the Los Angeles area.  Out of curiosity, how far are the stations from your house?  Good luck to you all.

  3. This has been happening with a lot of DTV signals.  Does the channel you are attempting to watch broadcast in digital?  That could be the problem.

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