
Why cannot we have a single world government, single currency and a global bank controlling monetary policy ?

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Why cannot we have a single world government, single currency and a global bank controlling monetary policy ?




  1. Are you serious?Do you know what the consequences of what you are suggesting? The Consequences of a One World Government or New World Order,are too horrendous to

    contemplate.What you are suggesting is nothing less than A One World Dictatorship.Is this what you want?

  2. No thanks!

  3. What do you thing Bush is working on???? Look at the $1, it has ALL the signs of the Illuminati... Wait... it'll happen!!!   Haven't you been watching the global news?

    NO THANKS!!!!!  And when it does happen... I hope I'm NOT here to see it!!!

  4. Human nature.

  5. Not a good idea.

  6. Because people complain when the US takes over other people's countries.

  7. It can not ocean number of fishes big&small.

    big fish wil eat smaler, like world also same. wecan provide

    global bank.

  8. I suppose you think the arabs / indians should run it right ?  

    Kamal, please do go home and get back on your camel.  We do not need camel jockeys in America making suggestions.

  9. Why don't we all have bar codes inplanted in us also.

    Hey, why dont we also have our personal freedoms and liberties stripped away also.

    Since you want everything to be the same, why aren't we all genetically made the same. If thats the case, should be rid the world of everyone who might be unique or thinks rationally..

    Think about it. If we were all the same, made to think the same, and controlled the same, would it really be better, or worse?

  10. Simple, because we don't want to

  11. Well... we have a world bank.

    And the global standard for currency is the dollar.


  12. Such an amusing question that brings so many amusing

    You must understand that the world spins on two axis, one of need and the other of greed.  Unfortunately, greed breeds  power and power feeds off the needy...

    We, the needy, will always be victimized by the greedy as there is no possibility of a utopia as long as greed persists...

    We, the compasionate, whom would leave a tip to a waiter or waitress at a restaurant whose service was terrible are classic to reveal there are differences amongst us that cannot be reconciled to a unified governing body world wide.  Cultural differences and religious differences also fuel the fires of greed...

    Democracy is the oldest form of government while yet mankind itself has divided it into segments to provide for greed and power...!

    In many aspects, greed promotes growth as it can be creative of its demands and in doing so will provide for the needy as well as the greedy...  

    This aspect of government is called capitalism, is that a familiar word...?  Well, capitalism has a way of undermining itself as the availablity of food to feed greed runs short eventually and the greedy must look for food elsewhere.  Meanwhile, the needy are left behind and spent of their own compassions and abilities to provide...

    We know now where we have come from and where we are and now only is it a matter of time passing to know where we are going...

    Perhaps the United Nations would be a downscaled version of a world government.  Well, even that costly investment has failed and is nothing more than a roundtable of overpaid pompous lardbutts that refuse to make a decision relative to world events simply because they are afraid to upset some country and lose their moneytree positions...!

    As for the almighty's value is controlled by economic and cultural aspectsf of goods and services a country is able to provide. The quality of goods and services establishes demand and this demand regulates the value as result of quality.  Therefore will we pay more for quality and turn our backs to the lessers...

    How much are you willing to pay for lesser or better quality...equal dollar value for quality  performance or equal dollar for performance regardless of quality...?

    I do believe that would be called communism...!!!

  13. Simple because the world is too diversed to have a single controlling agency. There are too many ideologies in this world to have a single world government. Imagine most westerns would want a democratic and liberal society, but this may not be applicable in the Middle East region where there is democracy now but it is also governed by Islamic laws. Would the world be ready for Islamic laws, would the Muslim world be ready for a completely liberal government?

  14. The "single world government" might be taken over by a dictator!  

    The dictator might decide not to pay employees and hold people as slaves, force people to do things without their permission,  he might give every title to someone else,  he might not know about disease or food or not approve of medicine or doctors, if he didn't approve of IUDs, for example, you would't be able to go to Norway to get an IUD!

    A "doctor" or MD is one of the highest paid people in the United States, but in the Soviet Union everyone is expected to do whatever they do without pay "for the good of the state"..

    So we would have to decide on the language that is going to be on this currency.  The Euro made Europe too expensive .  Might as well stay home.

  15. Thru out history we had people that wanted one world government. One world that they knew of at that time. The Romans came the closest. The demise of the empire was internal. The ruling class became corrupt, killing each other for power, overtaxed the masses to pay for the many extravagance of their daily life style. Killing the people was commonplace to the elite. Along came the British empire, no better. They treated their subject with disdain, considering  some of them less than human. They also didn't mind killing their subjects. HITLER, now here was a man that thought he was the chosen one to rule the world. He was a very good communicator, at first his people followed him blindly. He & his cohorts kept telling the same lies over & over. Told often enought the people believed those lies. We all know the story on the holocaust. Every country or person that gains all that power becomes corrupted. The phase" power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutey" is so true. For these reasons we don't need a "new world order"!

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