
Why cant 4x4 drivers drive properly ie hogging the fast lane?

by  |  earlier

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not using indicators etc




  1. Because they are SOMEBODY.  The fact that they drive these things says all.

    Most motorists are selfish, and think the laws of the land do

    not apply to them.

        4 x 4 drivers are the worst.  (Never try talking to them whilst

    they are driving and speaking on their mobiles!)

  2. because for some reason they think they are better than the rest of us.

    like the joke

  3. Some people drive alright others seem to think there invinsible.

  4. Read your highway code.


    Is it compulsory that someone complaining about other's driving has to make a factual mistake in their question?

  5. I have no axe to grind and am lucky enough to live in rural surroundings where Land Rovers etc where common place as i grew up to become a mechanic on these.However the roads are still narrow and when you grow up with them its a way of life,and we now have a lot of new blood!and 4x4s My concern is they drive them like an artic truck,cant park them and wont move over for fear of a bush scratch Its sometimes scary on a road built for one where the code is so well known by locals but these things just believe paying the road tax entitles them to do what they like.Stop driving them like Scanias please,take a good testbefore you buy them,make sure your not scared of them,and dont expect not to scratch them They are an agricultural by product

  6. I pondered your question and then went on a mental drive. Here in Southern CA everybody drives that way. I cannot pick out a 4x4 from among the vehicles who are weaving in and out of the fast lane at 85 MPH without signals and such. The first thought that comes to mind is that a lot of these big, over sized, lifted trucks are barely controllable at freeway speeds and maybe they like having the center divider or berm next to them for reference. I doubt if they can see the painted lines.

  7. For the same reason "centre lane charlies" hog the middle lane doing 60mph. I often undertake them at 100mph or overtake them and pull back into an empty lane 1. They still don't get the message. If I get a tailgater behind me, I hit the anchors and swerve wildly across all three lanes, before forcing them to a standstill and smashing their brains in with a pick axe handle. Mind you I am doing 25 years inside for murder, relating to a road rage incident. In fact some people (particularly the elderly), wouldn't recognise a national speed limit sign if you took a 100 metre run up and happy gilmore'd them in the face with it!

  8. Is that like driving on a highway full of Senior citizens doing 40 in a 65?

  9. Simple. People who buy big jeeps are not interested in the art of driving. Most of them ( not the proper rural Landie set ) know nothing about cars, driving standards, road sense etc. They just want to get there and to h**l with anyone else who gets in their way.

    They are exactly the sort of people who would buy a Kia, or a Hyundai in they weren't so well off.

  10. Cause you cannot see a bloody thing when you are driving those tanks

  11. Because they all went to the BMW school of driving!

    What's the difference between a 4x4 and a hedgehog...................................

    A hedgehog has it's pricks on the outside!

  12. Why 4x4 generalisation? I drive a Honda HRV, smaller than a mondeo, better fuel economy, etc etc etc, yet i'm lumped in with Tamara and her sloanies in the chelsea tractor club.

    Get stuffed the lot of you or it's pistols at dawn you bounder!!!

    For f@ck sake

  13. I thought that was BMW drivers not 4x4 drivers like me!By the way-Why do tree hugging,veggie munching hippies hate 4x4s so much?It cant be about the environment cos if they wanted to save that all they would have to do is to stop eating it!

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