
Why cant Aussies pronounce "mate" as "mate"? Why do they say MOIT ?

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Daniel, I guess so. We are a much better country than urs, so u might as well listen to us ....




  1. becasue there from a different country they talk differently . thats kinda rude. They think we say stuff weird too. its kina like  speciation.

  2. No wonder we call you guys German Tanks

  3. Simply because that's the proper pronunciation - in Australia! GOODDAE, MOIT! :-)

  4. Just so you know, I don't pronounce it "moit" and I have never heard anyone say "moit". It's "mate". And yes I'm Australian but also a citizen of the world.

  5. G'day mate.

    Your name just says it all.

    Just puts yet another bad name on the Yanks.

  6. It's all part of our antipodean charm, maaate.

  7. one rule i learned very early in my 14 years travelling of many diverse countries & that was ~ accept & respect the MANY variations around the globe of the dialect of speaking english .  how do you know they are wrong & you are right ha   go do some travel & learn then you'll  know that what you asked is not even a question but a good statement.

  8. yanks cant understand english ..let alone pronounce anything

  9. We don't. We pronounce it "maaaate", okay mate? You're thinking of Kath & Kim. Kimmy look at moi look at moi look at moiiiiii!

    You pronounce things weird too. Like... ITS NOT A TUMOUR - you say "ITS NOT A TOOMA". Don't get me started on how you crazy Americans leave the letter "u" out of words. It's colour, neighbour, flavour, favourite...

  10. You are clearly a mindless bigot.

  11. I don't know who you've been talking to but everyone I know says MATE pronounced [maite] . Perhaps its just how your hear our accent that makes it sound different to you, but I have never heard an Aussie say moit.

  12. LOL

    Oh you are so funny!

    Why can't Americans say Roar instead of Rar?

    It's like the pot calling the kettle black, moit? Gidday to ya!


  13. umm because different places have different accents...maybe they dont like the way you say mate....

  14. Why can't arseholes from the US pronounce .... um, well .... anything properly?

  15. Who cares about how it's pronounced , more importat to us Aussie's is what it represents ,mateship and to be called mate signifies Australian unity,friendship,loyalty ,someone who is there for you no matter what .At the end of the day we could not give a Rat's A___ about your small minded opinion of our accent be cause we know the meaning of the word something sadly you never will.

  16. another ignorant yank

  17. ooooh got to love those Americans.LOL seriously I have never heard anyone say moit. I I think you meant mait. Its because of our accents. We find Americans hilariouse. I was wondering why you people pronouse everything wrong.

    For example:

    dual is not pronounces dool

    also why do you think f***y meen butt it actualy meen a femails privates. It was alarming to hear someone say to my friend. I pat you girl friends f***y. Let just say he now walk with a limp.

    Also why do you spell lots of things wrong. I would spell colour you spell it color. You crazy Americans this is why we love you so much. Please dont get defensive.( sorry I know my spelling is horrible but colour is ready spelled like that. )

  18. You might want to learn to spell for a start. And it is not pronounced moit but maaaaaate! If you are going to criticize us for the way that we speak then at least get the pronunciation correct or at least the spelling.

  19. Accents differ across the world and across countries.

    DIFFERENT doesn't mean WRONG.

    Why do Americans say:

    doo for dew

    caren't for can't

    mom for mum

    zeebra for zebra etc, etc, etc?

  20. Because its the way they do. The american way of speaking has destroyed the english language, so I suppose the aussies are no different.

  21. Nice generalisation, moit

  22. Moit?! HAHAHA

    I've never heard and Aussie pronounce mate as moit. What's wrong with your ears, dude? I feel really sorry for you.

  23. Why do yanks call their ars a f***y.?.......that aint a f***y moit

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