
Why cant Federer kick Nadals @$?

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Im not that big a fan of Tennis but I do hate the Spaniards.

What went wrong?

How did he lose?




  1. well the way i see it, he lost cuz of his hight.  if you see clay matches the more successful players are rather short.  thus in my opinion, since the ball doesn't really bounce too high in clay courts, the shorter players have that split second advantage over the taller ones who may have to bend down or come at a slightly differet approach to handle the same shot.

    the reason that federer is so good on grass is because in grass courts the ball is a lot faster and has a lot more bounce to it. thus, a shorter player will have a disadvantage to reach for the higher shots.

    But, when the game between them is played on a hard court, the game is more balanced because it does not have a real factor in the ball speed. rather, it depends more on who is on their game that day.

    i just think the two players' hight is the real factor.

  2. Nadal's game forces Federer out of his comfort zone both physically and mentally.

    Physically Nadal is quicker and stronger which makes it difficult for Federer to hit balls by him or through him.

    Mentally, Federer is used to being the agressor and intimidator and forcing guys to make mistakes, but with Nadal's game he's often the one making the mistakes by trying to hit too good a shot. Nadal goes after every ball and puts Federer in a mental chokehold from the first ball.

    Federer's never had the edge on Nadal in their head to head matchups. Nadal has led their series since the first time they played. Nadal continues to lead 11-6.

    Simply put Nadal is just too strong physically and mentally.

    For what it's worth Federer's never lost any of the other Spaniards in the top 20 (8-0 vs. Ferrer and Robredo, 7-0 vs. Moya, and 5-0 vs. Almagro) maybe he takes his frustration out on them. =)

  3. Roger Federer mentally couldn't find his game today and made many errors, and Rafael Nadal made some beautiful shots that nobody can't hit any better than that. I am a Roger Federer fan, but I don't hate Spaniards. Rafael earned his 4th consecutive Roland Garros title.

  4. What a hateful person to hate Spaniards, go hang yourself.

  5. Cause Nadal is a great player. Greatness can nullify greatness and that's what Nadal does to Federer. Federer has beat him 2 times in the Wimbledon final, it's just that Clay is Rafa's best surface.

  6. Well, I am a big Roger Federer fan and one reason is was he was he had no emotion into the game until the 2nd set but Nadal is so good at clay he shut him down. Clay is not Rogers best surface and it is Nadals. He'll do better on grass!

    Hope this helps. =)

  7. Not on clay - todays win dictates who is the king and no one

    can touch him unless they beat Nadal consistently on clay.

    Federer can only play well on grass and hard courts and

    proves that he is human after all. Yes he is the greatest to

    have to played this game, but still Nadal is always in his way.

    Remember in 1980s, what went through Ivan Lendl. He was in

    the finals of 19 Grand slams singles event of which he won

    8 and loosing 11 times. He came close to winning Wimbledon

    but lost twice. Same thing has happened to Federer, but in

    his case it is the same player - Nadal. I bet Federer is going

    the same track as Lendl.

  8. Maybe because the spaniards beauty totally distracted Rogers game. Ya know with the massive biseps and all....

  9. Federer has a mental block when he plays Nadal his mind says he can't beat him first it was on clay now it is starting to happen on grass too

  10. dont have guts

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