
Why can`t I get a job?

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I live in the Bay Area and in the past 3weeks I applied for over 15 minimal wage jobs. Yet no luck. No ONE called me back and so far I am still unemployed.

why do you think that I can not get a job? I have had other jobs in the past yet this time it just doesn`t seem to work.




  1. Call them, they are NEVER going to call you. That's how they weed out all the applicants that aren't really interested.

  2. I agree with nsanenth. You really haven't given us enough information from which to formulate an answer. However, I suggest a standard checklist of things to make sure you do, such as dress neatly and professionally (business casual will do for most non white collar jobs). Act professional, in your answers, your manerisms. Use good grammar, good body language, etc.

    Now, more importantly, why are you going for minimum wage jobs? They're ok if you are a student, or until you can educate and prepare yourself for something better, but there is no future in minimum wage work. You have to work a gazillion hours to make any money, and the work us not very satisfying. You'd be better off working as a waitor in an upscale restaurant. At least there you would get good tips.


  3. It's minimium wage ?? ... the Boss won't lift ONE FINGER to find some-one .. you have to go begging to them ..

    If there's a cleaner's job going, it's given to the first person who turns up with a bucket and mop .. minimum wage jobs go to those that turn up in person (and impress the boss there & then) ..

  4. I need more information to know what you're doing wrong, but one thing you should do is aim higher.  Don't just apply for minimum wage jobs.
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