
Why cant I get over him? huh?

by Guest56897  |  earlier

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Why cant I get over him? huh?




  1. Time and tide cures all.

    Give it time, and give it distance

  2. If you try really hard you'll be able to. You have to focus on passing time not thinking about him and some time later he will no longer matter. That's when he'll suddenly not be able to get over you. So, be prepared.

  3. Honey, how long has it been?  The breakup.  If it's been less than a year, cut yourself a break.  If it's been longer than a year, take whatever measures you need to, such as maybe therapy, reading some good books on moving forward, and maybe get out there and start dating again.  Sometimes though we need to stay in a feeling of sadness for awhile.  Because if we rush thru it too soon, we'll just have it block us at some other time.  And we'll be forced then to deal with it again later.  So get it all out now, work on it...allow yourself to feel sad or bad or miss him, but know in your head too why it fell apart.  Use your head as your main guide of reason.  Good luck to you!

  4. Broke with my bf some weeks ago and h**l i know how it suck, but i have decided to spend my time here on see if i can clear my head...

    Anyway for sure it will take time if you pay attention to try to do something to keep your mind busy from him..Good Luck

  5. Because you're idealizing him. He's not that good, really.

  6. you try jumping over him??

  7. get over me! Just stop calling me! jk

  8. Just takes time.  Sucks I know but make sure you're not contacting him or spending time with him; that helps some.  Overall though, just have to wait it out.  

  9. Okay, this may come as a somewhat extreme suggestion, but.

    It's like you went to a movie theater and saw a really bad movie, that upset and disturbed you. So you go and see another one right away, a pretty good one, just to wash the first experience off. In your case, you prob need the same - get some very strong sensations to stub the ones that are tormenting you now. They will slide down in the memory queue and won't hurt as much. So squeeze out strong feelings with other strong feelings.

    Sitting at home with a red face and tangled hair won't help.

  10. because your feelings for him are still fresh and it still takes up the space in your heart. It all takes time but time can go faster if you actually find ways to try and get over him. Keep yourself busy. That's always the key. Yea, you might think about him but then you won't be able to contact him in anyway because you are too busy. You can also try pretending that you don't care about him anymore and that you are happy, eventually you'll believe it.

  11. Well Barbi you're just to fine to be sweating his ***.  Go on with your life.  I know you can do it starting tonight.

    I know it hurts.  But time will heal you .. So keep on keeping on.

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