
Why cant I just build a log cabin in the forest?

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Land is too god d**n expensive and houses are inflated and they suck and look the same.

Real men used to be able to tame the god d**n wild. Today sucks




  1. You're right. Land is pretty d**n expensive. Do as you wish if you've got the money. But, be careful. Watch your budget.

  2. So you want to go into pristine land that you don't own, cut down trees that you don't own, build a log cabin, polloute the area and live in the cabin free of charge? Lot's of luck with that one, come back and tell the YA how you went.

  3. Real men hold jobs, and work for a living.

  4. You still can, if you buy a piece of land in the forest.

    That dream is still out there, and possible, if you look in the right place.

    Good Luck

  5. you can...i did,but i own the land

  6. Question:  Why cant I just build a log cabin in the forest?

    Answer:  Worst case scenario, the proper owner will charge you with tresspassing and destruction or theft of surface resources (the timber used in building your log cabin).  If you are hunting and/or in possession of a firearm you could also be charged with criminal tresspassing with a weapon.  Best case scenario for you, the owner will just have you legally removed from his property and claim for his own the log cabin you built and whatever guns or equipment that are there.  You get to walk away, but lose everything.  Why don't you just see about buying the property you are interested in building on?  If it is State owned property they might even work with you if you inquire.


  7. If you know where you can homestead or if you own the land and the trees, you can build your cabin if you want to.  So, go find some land to homestead or buy some land with trees on it and get your whining a$$ after it.  Real men didn't whine, they took action.  Now, wipe ther snot off your face, get up off your  a$$ and do something if you want your freekin' cabin..

  8. Somebody owns it! Buy it and go away if you wish. There is no wild, anymore, that is accessible by more than one guy with an ax.

    BUT, if you were to pick your National orest with care, you might get away with it for many years before a forest ranger or logging crew finds you. Beware of poaching game, tho. Game wardens WILL bust you!

  9. I understand your attitude- in my area, the problem is not only the expense of the land, but it has to have a building permit for you to build it, and the permit cost 55 cents per square foot of building. And I live in the swamplands of Louisiana, for God's sake! The greedy pukes are taxing us to death!!!

  10. You can do that, you just have to own the land.

  11. You can, Buy a plot of land in the middle of nowhere and build a cabin.

  12. Buy the land and do it. Good Luck!

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