
Why cant I just get over him?

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so me and this guy were crazy about eachother for a good 4 years BUT we both were too stupid, young and nieve to do anything or say anything to eachother.. ive dated and met other guys since but no matter HOW HARD I TRY!! to get over him and move on... and learn to let go of the past and stuff I just cant forget him, I see his name everywhere, mentioned on t.v, in movies id be driving in my car with my mom and see a billboard with some guy that has the SAME name as him... just today i was looking for a specific question on a certain thing, and i found it and funny enough the girl that asked the question was "married" to a guy of the same, name!! what are the odds of that?? i see people that look like him EVERYWHERE, its killing me.. the last memory i have of him (before I swiched schools) was him just standing there with these puppy dog eyes... probablly wanting me to talk to him.. but ya silly me I walked away and swiched schools (princpile kicked me out).. Ive tryed doing EVERYTHING possible to move on and to make myself realise that there are more fish in the sea.. but It never works.. even if i keep myself "busy" and avoid having a quiet moment, it all comes to me when im sleeping... i end up thinking about him, and dreaming about him... what could have been.. how do I let go?? why cant i stop thinking about him.. and the freaky thing about this is even when we did see eachother in school everytime I would think about him I woudl turn around and hes there.. (which was a good thing but odd at times)... now its just so wierd.. to not see him (we all graduated this year as well)..




  1. sumtymes u dont get over stuff u jus have to learn to live with it  and deal with it

  2. i think you got bit....

    by the love bug!!!

  3. sounds like someone en-love

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