
Why cant I move my queen diagonal?

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Why cant I move my queen diagonal?




  1. Um, where?  In yahoo?  Yahoo Chess is famous for being buggy.  tTry any other site.  use google seach.

  2. Usually, the Queen is the only piece that can move around any directions and any number of squares.

    But she can't jump over pieces (like the knight) and you won't be able to move her if your opponent just "Check" you and you have to deal with that first and moving your Queen would not be the answer. Also, if you're not currently under "Check", you won't be able to move your Queen is she would expose your King (you cannot Check your own King).

  3. Your queen can move diagonally in chess.  Unless, of course, by moving your queen you expose your king to check -- always an illegal move.

  4. For the same reasons you can't move out of your knighthood, try on your bishop's gaiters, charm your king cobra or hold up your pawn shop.  Check it out, mate.

  5. If you mean in chess, you can.  If someone is saying otherwise, they are messing with you.  

    Only time you can't is if moving your queen diagnol will place your king in check somehow, but then it wouldn't matter what direction you moved her, it's illegal

  6. Carpal Tunnel?

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