
Why cant I stop trying to be PERFECT? How Can I convince myself that nobody's perfect?

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I always have to be perfect, perfect skin, perfect grades, perfect body, perfect this, perfect that, and it gets really annoying. It's like I'm always trying to keep up a perfect-girl image. I always point out my flaws, and I get really, really jealous of other people. I try to convince myself that nobody's perfect, but idk. and it's also hard because I have a 5 year old sister that I babysit often and I like, never get a break!What can I do????




  1. The Dude Abides

    I second Bowler J

  2. Perfection is a relative term...synonymous to should not stop improving in every aspect of your life.....

  3. your only focusing on material things. learn to appreciate the basics in life. we dont realize how much they matter until they are gone.

  4. can you find an activity that takes your attention away from yourself?  can you teach your 5 year old sister something?  maybe you could volunteer time at a charity.    

    it sounds like you've attached your worth to something superficial, and impossible to attain - your image.  tough, but important - recognize that perfection is impossible, and really not that important.

    maybe go bowling?  rent The Big Lebowski, and take some notes.    

  5. we all try to be perfect, its sometimes can be a good thing. it tells us what we need to improve on. what you can do, is try to convince yourself everything is fine. its alright. theres nothing more to it. trying to change for someone else is ridiculous but changing for yourself is worth while...

  6. Sometimes a person obsesses about being perfect because they mistake their outside for their inside. They unconsciously think that if they're perfect outside, it will take care of all the anger and anxiety inside. So if you can list the reasons you're angry and anxious, and one by one see if any can be handled in some way, you might not need to be perfect outside. This really has nothing to do with other people being flawed, this is your way of handling anxiety.

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