
Why cant I upload my pictures in Ebay?

by  |  earlier

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Tried to do it. It keeps showing me a shwirly thing!




  1. there may be a size limit on the pictures, check there isnt a size limit, if there is, just right click on the photo and click properties, it will say the size of the pic

    hope this helps

  2. Because ebay is communist and doesnt like their sellers. You should try ioffer, ecrater,payloadz,onlineauction,tradebit, craigslist,yahoo classified. Pretty much anybody but ebay. Look at how they treat their sellers. They hide all the negative posts at the back of the forums on the last pages (pages 80-89). Nobody on the forums has anything nice to say at this point. You shouldnt put all your eggs in one basket. Be prepared for the next round of ebay changes.

    Do you see any positive things being said on their forums? Ebay is a waste of time at this point. You put all your energy into trying to sell on there, only to have them suddenly change the rules on you for who knows what reason and then they insult their sellers by lying to them every month.

  3. Sometimes they take ages, click back and try again, should work then ok....

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