
Why cant a guy just tell u to leave him alone?

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if you were really good friends, he pursued you while he had a girlfriend and then acts on his feelings by kissing you. He and feels guilty for cheating on his girlfriend, and just cuts you off and ignores you completely. you try to talk it out but he refuses to respond.

why cant he just say i cant be bothered with you anymore or leave me alone instead of just giving the silent treatment?




  1. He is saying all that by giving you the silent treatment.  If you want it verbalized then ask the girlfriend.

  2. For the same reason women do it.

  3. Read He's just not that into you. Cuz he's not.  

  4. Isn't that kind of the same thing???

    He's a bit of a coward, you had a close shave!

  5. A lot of men don't like to hurt girls' feelings.  They don't take deep converstations regarding those issues very well.

  6. He was immature enough to cheat.  His maturity level didn't change when he "felt guilty" it was just re-directed towards you.

  7. because even with their dignity is down the drain, men still respect women but the women doesn't understand that fact.

  8. I had the exact same thing happen to me when i was about 15 years old.  We had such a crazy connection.  He was unhappy with his girlfriend at the time.  Then one day he kissed me and just slowly stopped talking to me all together.

    I'd say just leave it at that.  Dont sit around and wait.  I did that, and it drove me crazy.

    Guys like to play mind games, just as much as girls do.  so keep that in mind.

  9. i dont get it either, what is so hard about saying i dont want to talk to you right now, or whatever it is....its so immature, i think.

  10. gaah !@#$%^ same thing happened to me.

    i dont really talk to him anymore. but he trys to start conversations all the time

    lets him chiiilll out for a little bit. he'll come around.

  11. That silent treatment you're ignoring?  That is his way of saying I can't be bothered with you anymore leave me alone.  Maybe he has said it and you refused to hear it.  Maybe he was being nice and you kept trying to persue a relationship regardless of the fact he already has a girlfriend.  He is refusing to respond because he wants nothing to do with you.  

  12. one reason could be that he wants to keep it in the closet and you wanting too much attention is getting a little suspicion from his girlfriend

    another reason could be that to him it was a fling or outburst of random emotions that was balled up inside that he released with you and now that it's all out of him he may not want anything to do with you anymore cause he doesn't want to risk the relationship he has with his current girlfriend

    or he doesn't know how to tell you that he's tryin to keep both of you without you getting upset, but my best bets are to option #2

  13. It's a guy's horror.  They don't like to talk a lot.  It's kinda hard to find a guy who does.  He is probably afraid that you will either get really sad and cry (one of the worst nightmares for a guy, because then they have to comfort you or confess) or that you will get really mad and get violent or shun him forever.  He doesn't want to hurt you, so he obviously still has feelings toward you, but he's either embarressed or ashamed that he cheated on his girlfriend.  He doesn't want to relate to you because he doesn't want to think about it.

  14. What is wrong with you? He isn't speaking to you. This means that he don't want to be bothered with you anymore. Maybe he is to nice to just come right out and say it, so I will do it for him if that will make you happy. Leave him the heck alone. He is done with you. He likes his gf. Was that good enough for you?

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