
Why cant a member on my group see the messages link on the nav bar? She gets a pop up that says she is not a m

by Guest33043  |  earlier

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this is all she can see: I tried again but still I cannot see the messages on the site. the list on the left only has,

• Home

• Post

• Files

• Photos

• Links

• Database

• Polls

• Calendar

I did send her the direct link to the messages and when she clicks it she told me this: I tried to follow the link and received the message - You are not a moderator of the group kidsatcs.

I also tried the link on a message received by email from the group where it says "visit your group" and got the same message - You are not a moderator of the group kidsatcs.

Any solutions??




  1. management- under group settings clikc messages- Posting and Archives (Edit) <-- click the edit- scroll to Archive Options, check members- click save changes

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